Alot of the people in this thread are courser riders who say coursers are not good and that they would rather ride another horse, yet they ride a courser anyways for some irrelevant reason. Obviously you guys just dont want the horse to be nerfed and i know that you do believe that it is the best horse by far but its still not fair to others. If you really wanted to ride a destriter, even if u have a +3 courser already, well put it up on the marketplace for a destriter if you *really* think a destriter is better and youll have a +3 destriter in a few days, but nope, you wont do that. Actions speak louder than words and your actions say that you think the courser is better.
Yes you can turn to avoid a courser, and i do that multiple times of every round of every game i play on a desteriter. Ya youll get ahead of them but with their insane speed they will be back within lance range of you in about 3-5 seconds and you have to turn again. If they choose to chase you indefinitely it is very difficult for you to do anything at all and they will eventually get you no matter how bad they are. And staying behind a horse is about controlling your speed and being quick to react to their turning movements, and like i just said even though they will lose you a little with the turn you can catch back up in a few seconds for another chance to lance them and cutting someone off is alot easier when your twice as fast as they are.
As far as horse sounds go that someone talked about ive ridden horses a bit in RL and if one is running full speed and coming at you, you will easily hear it. In fact you would be able to hear the sound of hooves from very far away, it is very loud, a group of horses running is like thunder. Problem with courser as ive mentioned before is they are so fast that you hear the hooves and half a second later you get lanced, with other slower horses you have time, which is more fair.
About the coursers stats:
People have mentioned they dont care about the stats, but the stats are the horse. Even if you looked at them in a straightforward manner, the courser is #1 in damage by far having 5 more speed than the next fastest horse, and #8 in durability, yet with these two stats it is #9 in cost. If its #9 in cost shouldnt it be #9 in damage (not #1) and #9 in durability (not 8). And even though on paper it is #8 in durability, it is actually much higher than that in terms of survivability which is what really matters, to fast for another horse to catch, too fast to shoot. Ive ridden both horses and i go down faster on a cataphract that is so slow and big that it can be shot 10 times and killed in 30-40 seconds vs a courser that can be shot at all game and not get hit once due to its speed.
Surviving on a faster horse is always easier. If coursers were as weak and vulnerable as everyone claims then it would not be so common for coursers to survive the game, coursers have a higher survival rate than any horse other than the Arabian and plated charger. You guys act as if they are glass canons and nothing could be further from the truth, especially when the stat difference with the desetriter enables a destriter to take maybe only1 more arrow or so than a courser can. I would put the coursers survivability at #4 as a conservative estimate. So how does a horse that is undisputed #1 in damage by far and that is #4 in survivability be #9 in cost? It doesn't make sense at all.