It was not only me trolling or whatever you're saying. It was all 3 of us having a conversation which you and your buddy did not like.
So if that's the case why isn't he banned also? lol
So that is not a reason, It's over personal dislike.
I didn't teamhit anyone except you when you were fighting someone, you got hit on accident. Since you say it was on purpose which it wasn't, prove it. And does one teamkill accident or not warrent a ban? I don't think so.
My so-called ban history stuff you're talking about is pathetic. I've been playing 8 months on here,out of that I have a ban history of 2 bans which all were bs, and you think that's a reason for a 3rd bs ban? If I was a pathetic little prick like some people, I'd go to the forums and cry and post pictures about EVERY single teamkill someone did to me. But I'm not. And thats what the 2 of my bans are for. Cowards who abuse the ban polling in game and on the forums. I have never tried to get someone banned over personally dislike, the most I do Is click M sometimes in game if its over and over.
So my ban needs to be lifted and I want you to be kicked off for 3 days
So me having 2 things on my "record" doesn't mean anything. It just shows a dislike towards me and pricks reporting. Which I could do back to them If i was a prick but i'm not