Author Topic: I'd like to know why I'm banned  (Read 2645 times)

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Offline BootyBuster

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I'd like to know why I'm banned
« on: April 09, 2012, 11:29:52 pm »
Also I'd like to see if it's a Admin is abusing his power in this game.

Cause if it's what I think it is, it's one admin, banning me because he didn't like my point of view.

that tied with 1 accidental tk maybe? As a reason to ban? Sounds like abusing power to me.

Taking away from my time of relaxation. I could be leveling and playing right now.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 12:34:41 am by BootyBuster »

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Re: I'd like to know why I'm banned
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2012, 12:54:17 am »
How much game time do I lose over this? And whens the response comming?

 I'd like to see proof and reasoning behide this ban.

Because if it's what I think, it's due to an accidental Tk of a Admin from rageball named Hospit something, who doesn't like me and is abusing his power to ban me. For who knows how long.

And as I wait I lose game time over this crap, which in no way will be returned.

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Re: I'd like to know why I'm banned
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2012, 02:19:32 am »
What was the reason you were banned for? if you have a complaint on a admin you can find there feedback in a diffrent forum page to talk to them directly and to find out why you were banned.

Offline Troyicide

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Re: I'd like to know why I'm banned
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2012, 02:22:53 am »
What was the reason you were banned for? if you have a complaint on a admin you can find there feedback in a diffrent forum page to talk to them directly and to find out why you were banned.

He thinks Spaniard banned him. He told me this in pm

Offline BootyBuster

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Re: I'd like to know why I'm banned
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2012, 02:28:19 am »
Don't know why I'm banned.

Thats why I'm posting here. I'd like to see why and have it explained.

Because there is no message as to why you're banned, there's no email no nothing, just you join games then it kicks you.

But I think I know why I was I was banned, I wrote it above.

So far I've lost hours today of gametime.

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Re: I'd like to know why I'm banned
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2012, 02:28:41 am »,70.0.html k well here is the admin feedback page I wasnt there myself so not sure what you did usualy there is a reason for it.

Offline BootyBuster

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Explain my Ban Hosp S
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2012, 02:48:02 am »
I'd like to know exactly why I was banned. Without the ban reason involving any sort of like or dislike towards me.

Whether you argee with a topic of discussion or not is not a reason to ban a person for days or a week. I Still don't know because there's a lack of communication.

I think I was banned for an accidential teamkill of an Admin in rageball after we and another were disputing some topics of conversation. They both already disliked me for obvious "owning reasons" LoL, and now this coversation put it over the top since I didn't agree with them. About 5 minutes later, me and the Admin were fighting an enemy in which I accidentialy hit him while attempting to kill the foe.

Add up the factors to this dispute: He dislikes me, disagrees with me and now a accidental Teamkill. BAM! I guess in his mind that's a valid reason to ban me for days.

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Re: I'd like to know why I'm banned
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2012, 03:17:44 am »
The ban log says:

Player: BaRoNBooTyBuSteR    
Admin: Spanish
Unban Date: 04.10.2012 12:18
Reason: teamkiller

If you'd like to contest your ban make your case here in full.  Leaving out relevant details may not reflect well on your case.  If, when the topic is resolved, you'd like to make a complaint about specific admins please take it to the admin feedback area of the forum. 

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Re: Explain my Ban Hosp S
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2012, 03:21:08 am »
*removed by the cat*
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 05:01:22 am by Diomedes »

Offline BootyBuster

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Re: I'd like to know why I'm banned
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2012, 03:27:18 am »
I had begun my claim here, but the information is above.

So the reason said Teamkilling?  I was one accidental Teamkill, do you get banned for that?

So thats a 2 day ban it says, I already lost one day of gameplay

He was looking for a reason to ban me because he personal dislikes me. He is abusing the power given to him as an admin.

Otherwise why ban someone over one accidental teamkill?  And by the time it gets resolved I would have already lost more game time. Unbanned on the 10th at 12.18 pm? How is this going to be rectified when this is over and I lost gametime due to bs?

Two days= A loss of xp gold and fun

« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 03:39:46 am by BootyBuster »

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Re: I'd like to know why I'm banned
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2012, 04:13:02 am »
You have two bans on record besides the latest, both for teamkilling, and I recall you recently being extremely disruptive on.. community I think?  And many players asking me to mute you as you were "trolling chat" for hours before I got on.  I really doubt you were banned without breaking the rules.  Accusing admins of bias instead of apologizing or calmly explaining doesn't help much, either.
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Offline BootyBuster

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Re: I'd like to know why I'm banned
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2012, 04:39:44 am »
The last ban for teamkilling was a few months ago. And if you can actually go back and read you'll see they were fights between friendlys who wanted to fight me. Then got mad because they lost.

How about you talk about this actual ban for accidental teamkill. Since it was "One" teamkill not many. It was only one.

And once again if you do not like me because I killed you or made fun of you or your friends that's your problem not mine.

Everyone talks crap at one point or another some a lot more then others. Like you trolling me right now on a topic you're not involved in.

This Hospt actually does not like me and neither do you it seems, That's why I am banned right now. That's the only reason. Not for "1" teamkill that was a accident.

Last I checked you're supposed to base cases on actual evidence not past history. If you didn't know there are ALOT of crybabys who report for any sort of teamkill accident or not. The Ban abuse is ridiculous
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 04:46:12 am by BootyBuster »

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Re: I'd like to know why I'm banned
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2012, 05:52:19 pm »
Baron you know why you were banned. And don't act innocent you were griefing and trolling in the rage ball server. We were having a conversation about things but you went too far as insulting and raging on another player for more than half a map after I had repeatedly told you to stop bashin on him. I then
Muted you and after that I saw you team wound another player and then intentionally team killed me quite blatantly. You even knocked me to the ground and continued to bash my head in. Then you left game before I could ban you for your actions. So don't act like I'm abusing my powers just because you think I don't like you. Since you made me go to the website to ban you I made a mistake with the ban length since ive never done it before. It was only meant to be a day ban or two. Especially since you Already have a ban history for teamkilling. And I apologize for the late response to your forum posts
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Re: I'd like to know why I'm banned
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2012, 05:55:51 pm »
Oh and it wasn't the conversation we had that made me upset or the reason I muted you it was the insults and continual bashing of another player in chat that I had to mute you for, especially since I told you not to do it many times
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Offline BootyBuster

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Re: I'd like to know why I'm banned
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2012, 06:03:37 pm »
It was not only me trolling or whatever you're saying. It was all 3 of us having a conversation which you and your buddy did not like.
So if that's the case why isn't he banned also? lol

So that is not a reason, It's over personal dislike.

I didn't teamhit anyone except you when you were fighting someone, you got hit on accident. Since you say it was on purpose which it wasn't, prove it. And does one teamkill accident or not warrent a ban? I don't think so.

My so-called ban history stuff you're talking about is pathetic. I've been playing 8 months on here,out of that I have a ban history of 2 bans which all were bs, and you think that's a reason for a 3rd bs ban? If I was a pathetic little prick like some people, I'd go to the forums and cry and post pictures about EVERY single teamkill someone did to me. But I'm not. And thats what the 2 of my bans are for. Cowards who abuse the ban polling in game and on the forums. I have never tried to get someone banned over personally dislike, the most I do Is click M sometimes in game if its over and over.

So my ban needs to be lifted and I want you to be kicked off for 3 days

So me having 2 things on my "record" doesn't mean anything. It just shows a dislike towards me and pricks reporting. Which I could do back to them If i was a prick but i'm not