This is nonsense. You can't fight against dedicated cavalry clan and expect them not to ride, it's the same as asking Mongols or Indians to dismount during combat, same as you cannot ask from an almost full infantry clan to fight all them cavs in the open flat map with no cover at all. I'm not participating and my boys will organize themselves as they see fit but if i was in charge there would be no horse limitations but the map would be a native one or some fitting village without camping spots like barns and towers, with pretty much equal chances for both teams and flags turned off. Even then it wouldn't be 100% fair & square, these things just don't work out, one team always has some unfair advantages unless they're both full cav or full inf. It should have been done back when Bandits were riding as well, not now. This will prove nothing and will probably turn into a one sided massacre, depending on the map & players participating.