
What do you think!?!?!?

Rainbow has the best ideas!!! Yay
6 (27.3%)
This idea sucks but I still love Rainbow!!!
5 (22.7%)
I like the concept; however, I would make a couple small changes.
9 (40.9%)
Rainbow.  :-)
2 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 22

Author Topic: The Game Changer  (Read 1596 times)

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Offline Rainbow

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Re: The Game Changer
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2012, 11:37:40 pm »
To prevent the teams working together, you could scramble team locations per round.  Obviously you would only see the banners of your team, and would have to guess based on the equipment people were wearing.  I.E. this is not like TFC where the classes are green or yellow or red.  :lol:

Also, have the places be based on some sort of score, rather than the Battle "last one alive wins" so that if two teams DO work together, there is still the chance that another team could get more points than they do.

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