After speaking with Vicious666 about the tournament, Xant issue etc. I have to explain following:
When it came to the fighting itself, it is obvious that Mercs beated everybody and can easily be regarded as winners from this point of view. If you'd ask me who fought the best, I'd say that the Mercs did and I have absolutely no problem at all to admit that. They are not officialy listed on the 1st place however, because they got -5 points for killing me and so by following the official announced rules, the tournament was officialy won by Risen.
I have 1 main objective in cRPG that stands above all others - it si the Fallen clan. The tournament is in the first place for promoting us as a clan and closely in the second line it is for the fun. I almost don't care at all about anything else. I don't care about Xant, but since he pissed me off once in the tourney thread by constant trolling I said he won't be allowed to the tourneys, I won't change this decision (as i try not to change anything i say or agree on with anybody and this includes your 5 down too).
Vicious666 told me, that some Mercs think I reduced 5 points just because you were Mercs. I didn't do it because you were Mercs. I gave 10 down to turks, 5 down to grey. I really don't care who will win the tourney (except for the Brigade). If I wouldn't like Mercs to win, i don't think I'd forfeited Shogunate 2 matches in qualifiers (effectively reducing their points by 20 in the previous tournament not even allowing them to go to finals) - for the same mistake as Oberyn did before btw (*). And I believe that if i'd be standing close to Risen or Strangers and had 5 brains to follow everything what is happening around, they'd get not 5, but 50 down too. Just get over it, once its you, before it were Shogunate and I can honestly tell that I easily would punish even Brigade if i'd get a reason. I don't have problem with Mercs as a clan, if anything I only have problem with some of your members that behave imo like retards. But I have no desire to punish the whole group because I also like a few your members (however I admit they seem to be a minority for me).
You also said that you maybe won't come to the next tournament. In the end its up to decision of everybody if he wants to come or not. If you don't like the tourneys for any reason, than of course don't come. On the other hand if I'd get a choice if I want to see Mercs in tourneys or not, I'd of course vote for the first option (as well as most of the other people would i hope).
* shogunate matches were forfeited because i announced ahead that breaking rules of the fighting will result in this. before i didn't announce that so mercs/grey fight was only repeated.