If you like learning parts of game at a time and a less steep learning curve, shields are great. If you like getting throw into trial by fire and having an even more frustrating learning period that not having a shield is just for you
The thing is though, axes are REALLY popular now. A newbie will have their shield break in 2-3 swings. If you're new to this game a 1-hander without a shield is pretty much the worst position you could be in. Also, new players with shields like to turtle up, which is the complete wrong way to play this game. You'll just get spammed until you die. I know I do it to new players all the time.
If they at least start with 2-h or pole they'll have more points to invest in their character and a longer weapon that does more damage. They also won't learn any bad habits about turtling up.
1h is overall my favorite class to play, but there is a reason why most of the shitty players you run into are 1-handers.
Due to 1-handers being so short and having a
tiny sweetspot combined with lower damage and slower movement speed because of shields and point investment; footwork is crucial to do decent as a 1-hander. Footwork isn't something you learn overnight, unlike blocking.
You can spend a few hours learning to block and be able to match up to the average player.
I'm not saying 1-hander is harder than other classes, ('cause seriously how hard is it to left swing) just saying that to get to a moderate level, the learning curve is much better on 2-handers/polearms and will make you a better player overall.