Well i was a 2 hander for long time and before that i was a polearm guy for a long time again .
I just started my 1 hander career a week ago
so far some things i can tell :
-When i was a 2 hander or polearm i used to spam shielders and circle them till i get to their behind here is what happens :
If they use a heavy shield they go retarded and block till their shield breaks , when it breaks they panic and spam the shit out of you .
As a heavy armour str based (24-18 ^^) 2hander i didn't give a fuck about 1hander hits since they glance or deal shitty damage (Except blunt-pierce type i spam more careful rather than a crazy berserker if i see a guy with warhammer or steelpick
)so i didn't even bother to block and continue my spam .
Now as a shielder i experience the same occasion but i am on the other side of the situation
People don't care about my swings , they dont even block while i swing
i use a plate covered round shield cuz it looks so fucking awesome
I found 2 solutions to survive "careless 2h spam"
1)Use a fast shield and get min 7 power strike
2)IFight without shield on 1v1 occasions
I dislike fast shields cuz of their looks so i chose the 2nd option
I only use my shield on crowded fights(As a shielder you can get the attention of most of the enemies and while they try to spam you , your teammates can get easy kills so it is effective to "tank" enemies on crowded fights rather than trying to get some kills in my opinion.) and chasing archers now and i am happy with it.