Ok, it is a problem to me, maybe a common 'Ha ha nub' to others.
I recently respecced at level 28, I went for a 'Arbalest' build.
My friend told me to put the weapon points into Crossbow and Polearm, I argued 1H sword because everyone else has this, he said polearm and was cast iron.
Turns out I can only use a quarter staff, or very limited weapons, is there any way without respeccing that I can take out those weapon points and re do them?
Ive not ever heirloomed, not been playing long, but everytime I try a build that does not fully suit me, I have to respect, now this arbalest is wiked! But the polearm is useless, they get close,
I am pretty much finished, no damage because the weapon itself is low, and slow to block.
Any help would be lovely.
Say if the worst came to worst I have to respect again, what would I go down too from 24/25? Cheers for reading.