Explain one advantage to higher ping in the netcoding of warband.
Well, I have the Torque source code, if you can tell me which version of the Torque engine is used in Warband, I can even prove my claims with code snippets.
Meanwhile, I can try to explain it on a higher level, though. Maybe you have already noticed, that animations and movement in Warband is always smooth (with occasional hiccups, of course), unlike in other games, where high pingers seem to be teleported across the map. This is because it uses client prediction to smooth out gaps in position updates. What this means is that your computer tries to calculate the current position of enemy players based on previous movement. If your own connection to the server is bad, this position will be inaccurate, especially, if the enemy is moving around in circles. So far, so good.
Now if a high pinger is on the server, his position updates for the server will be delayed. You are correct, that this is mostly a problem for himself, because he will see all other players in positions, where they won't be, because his own client prediction will of course be terribly inaccurate. But it is also a problem for everybody else, because he will obviously have to base his movement decisions on his version of the game world (which will be very much delayed, compared with the game world of the players with regular ping). This will make it very difficult to predict his motions for other players, making them miss very often (especially with overheads and stabs). This fact can be abused by donning heavy armor while spamming and moving in figure-8 form. It works especially well in very tight situations, when the high-pinger is surrounded by enemies, because they will then mostly rely on overheads, in order to not hit their teammates. Funnily enough, they will achieve exactly the opposite.