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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #30 on: March 08, 2011, 03:14:14 am »
I think some of the weapons could use higher requirements to use, and wpf having an effect on accuracy would be good too. Not many changes needed apart from that.
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #31 on: March 08, 2011, 09:02:37 am »
I think some of the weapons could use higher requirements to use, and wpf having an effect on accuracy would be good too. Not many changes needed apart from that.
agreed. The problem with throwing is accessibility, not superiority. If you design the game so that you have to be a dedicated thrower to access the heavy-hitting thrown weapons, then thrown spam is reduced.
So with PT >10 stones become simple too effective

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #32 on: March 08, 2011, 09:55:32 am »
The problem with throwing is that people were used to what it was pre-patch a useless side-kick class with the exception of some rare strength build.
So now it is seen as a new nuisance from most people simply because it was irrelevant in the past. Pre-patch throwing was the most underpowered class.

agreed. The problem with throwing is accessibility, not superiority. If you design the game so that you have to be a dedicated thrower to access the heavy-hitting thrown weapons, then thrown spam is reduced.
Do that and everybody will come back to xbow (which is already partially the case in EU). 

Not only that but somebody with 5 PT spamming jav does low damage, has terrible accuracy and is total inefficient the real threat are 8-12 PT  specialized guys. So you will have less thrower but the one that are able to hit you consistently with lot of damage will still be there so we will be back to the pre-patch situation. Throwing will be non existant ecexpt for that rare strengh build with 10+ PT.
But in a way this is what the majority seem to want, range dominated by bow and xbow, although each has it s specialization. 

Bow are good at long-medium-short range with low damage and medium rate of fire (not talking about build with 10PD here)

Xbow are good at medium-short range with medium to high damage but very slow rate of fire, they are at their best when you defend and grimp you team when you attack because you don't participate in the rush. Xbow has a huge advantage over bow and throwing it doesn't require any skill points.

Throwing weapon are only good at short range with they high rate of fire and low to very high damage depending on build. However to score some kill you have to be close to your enemy unlike bow and xbow and that's a huge difference because you 're way more vulnerable to range and melee.

Offline Native_ATS

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #33 on: March 08, 2011, 10:25:16 am »
Throwing has been OP for way too long. It's a fact that it does so much damage and requires so little. You don't need any WPF to be accurrate, just like archery was like, until the WPF patch came in (where archers needed WPF to be accurrate). You can also switch between melee mode and throwing mode so fast, and you can throw from so close range, not gaining any momentum, and kill someone. It should count as a melee hit from a certain range... I was the last one left in my team, and a thrower with throwing lances was the last one left on the other team. I was dueling him in melee, and he "got tired of blocking," backed up, and threw a lance into me, taking all of my HP.  Throwing also does more damage than arrows. What would do more damage, a piercing arrow, or a throwing weapon that should have a chance to flop and hit with the blunt end?

I don't think it needs to be completely done away with, but it does need a nerf, and I think a lot of people agree.
:shock: i know who made miley right this! it was me  :mrgreen:
OP? no way, idk what game she/he has been playing, or if he/she has ever made a real thrower. I killed miley in game, she is an agi build, if i hit her once she would have died, am all str, 10pt 10 ps, i got 100 wpf in throwing and 105 in pol-arms.  throwing is close to mid range at best, you get low ammo and bad aim. i swich form melee and throwing so fast cuz i hot keyed it to my mouse, no pressing X for me lol.
throwing is pwned by sheilds, lvl 2 round sheild takes 2-3 lances to brake(even at 10pt) if we throw into ladders we lose our thrown items. If any throwing is OP it is not high teir throwing which cost you both WPF and Skill points (one must have 21 str to throw lances, and with only 7pt they WILL NOT 1 SHOT)  its low teir throwing,
How to fix this? higher the PT cost of all throwing, low teir throwing by 2 and top teir throwing by 1

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #34 on: March 08, 2011, 10:30:36 am »
I am at the top of scoreboard damn often as a thrower.

Throwing problems are:
-no reload animations, so thrower can just spam throw many projectiles in short amount of time.
-too many projectiles in single stack (that is heavy) lead to spam throwing, also small axes are suddenly more resistant to stun than every other ah weapon, wtf ?
-general soak and reduction values, damage treshold of stun =1, which promote one high damage strike over multiple strikes from low damage weapon, imo percentage value should be much harder, best would be changing how the armor work)
-general ease to change weapon from throwing to other weapon on your back like most polearms and 2h weapons.
who are you?
no you cant spam lances faster then arrows! nor do you have the aim of the bowman
you get 2 lances in a stack wtf are you talking about? javs get 4... takes 2-3 to kill a man.... 4 to a  sheild and it wont even brake lol
have you seen how bad javs are in melee....
you cant be a real thrower, you know little about throwing o.o

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #35 on: March 08, 2011, 10:32:22 am »
The problem with throwing is that people were used to what it was pre-patch a useless side-kick class with the exception of some rare strength build.
So now it is seen as a new nuisance from most people simply because it was irrelevant in the past. Pre-patch throwing was the most underpowered class.
Do that and everybody will come back to xbow (which is already partially the case in EU). 

Not only that but somebody with 5 PT spamming jav does low damage, has terrible accuracy and is total inefficient the real threat are 8-12 PT  specialized guys. So you will have less thrower but the one that are able to hit you consistently with lot of damage will still be there so we will be back to the pre-patch situation. Throwing will be non existant ecexpt for that rare strengh build with 10+ PT.
But in a way this is what the majority seem to want, range dominated by bow and xbow, although each has it s specialization. 

Bow are good at long-medium-short range with low damage and medium rate of fire (not talking about build with 10PD here)

Xbow are good at medium-short range with medium to high damage but very slow rate of fire, they are at their best when you defend and grimp you team when you attack because you don't participate in the rush. Xbow has a huge advantage over bow and throwing it doesn't require any skill points.

Throwing weapon are only good at short range with they high rate of fire and low to very high damage depending on build. However to score some kill you have to be close to your enemy unlike bow and xbow and that's a huge difference because you 're way more vulnerable to range and melee.

+1, Couldn't agree more.

People said it before me, but I'll say it again:
Increase the PT requirements on all throwing weapons and the spam will decrease.
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The problem is even if you are number 1 in NA you are still only number 467 in EU or the worst in AUS(number 17)

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #36 on: March 08, 2011, 10:38:20 am »
+1, Couldn't agree more.

People said it before me, but I'll say it again:
Increase the PT requirements on all throwing weapons and the spam will decrease.
yup yup, PT up and problems fad away, javs at 3pt is a joke -.-  make them 5 and you wont see spam as much lol  throwing is slow as ballz btw unless your throwing knifes or rocks lol

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #37 on: March 08, 2011, 12:18:45 pm »
Throwing lances CAN infact be spammed faster than arrows, as I've started doing some test on my thrower, they're also surprisingly accurate and if you can't aim with them it's your own problem as I can aim people and one hit them fine at 7 PT.

Also, anyone with a semi decent aim can just get 1 shot 1 kill easily, so 8 lances can easily amount in 8 kills no problem.

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That's Taeryl in the middle, he killed 5 people with 5 shots, not sure about what you think, but killing 5 peoples when they can't do anything about it because you can't block throwing lances, and because they're spammable as hell, is pretty stupid.

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #38 on: March 08, 2011, 01:06:58 pm »
and 8 lances cost you 1 biliard gold....
dude lances are really expensive you cant use it time after time
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Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
You just killed me
Nerf you maybe?

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #39 on: March 08, 2011, 02:43:52 pm »
Yeah I've had the pleasure recently to watch Lemen Russ own people for 2 days strait now with a 7 pt build, be it axes or throwing lances he usually one hits me at 18 str and 38 BA.
On it.


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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #40 on: March 08, 2011, 03:02:43 pm »
The problem with throwing is that people were used to what it was pre-patch a useless side-kick class with the exception of some rare strength build.
So now it is seen as a new nuisance from most people simply because it was irrelevant in the past. Pre-patch throwing was the most underpowered class.
Do that and everybody will come back to xbow (which is already partially the case in EU). 

Not only that but somebody with 5 PT spamming jav does low damage, has terrible accuracy and is total inefficient the real threat are 8-12 PT  specialized guys. So you will have less thrower but the one that are able to hit you consistently with lot of damage will still be there so we will be back to the pre-patch situation. Throwing will be non existant ecexpt for that rare strengh build with 10+ PT.
But in a way this is what the majority seem to want, range dominated by bow and xbow, although each has it s specialization. 

Bow are good at long-medium-short range with low damage and medium rate of fire (not talking about build with 10PD here)

Xbow are good at medium-short range with medium to high damage but very slow rate of fire, they are at their best when you defend and grimp you team when you attack because you don't participate in the rush. Xbow has a huge advantage over bow and throwing it doesn't require any skill points.

Throwing weapon are only good at short range with they high rate of fire and low to very high damage depending on build. However to score some kill you have to be close to your enemy unlike bow and xbow and that's a huge difference because you 're way more vulnerable to range and melee.
Thx for mentioning my thrower char  :mrgreen:

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #41 on: March 08, 2011, 04:31:34 pm »
Throwing lances CAN infact be spammed faster than arrows, as I've started doing some test on my thrower, they're also surprisingly accurate and if you can't aim with them it's your own problem as I can aim people and one hit them fine at 7 PT.

Also, anyone with a semi decent aim can just get 1 shot 1 kill easily, so 8 lances can easily amount in 8 kills no problem.

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That's Taeryl in the middle, he killed 5 people with 5 shots, not sure about what you think, but killing 5 peoples when they can't do anything about it because you can't block throwing lances, and because they're spammable as hell, is pretty stupid.

I've had rolls like that in the past. I have yet to see anyone do it on a regular basis.
Sometimes you just have those rounds, when everything seems to go right. The next 5 rounds might be horrible.

About the 1-shot kill throwing lances of doom, they oneshot anyone with more than 15 agility most of the time. But so do my balanced heavy axes. Anything in black lamellar needs only 1 hit to die.
My latest fail was a guy in the black/golden strange armour surviving a close range throwing lance in the chest with 10 PT. He then proceeded to cleave me in half.
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The problem is even if you are number 1 in NA you are still only number 467 in EU or the worst in AUS(number 17)

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #42 on: March 08, 2011, 04:55:14 pm »
lol my next build will have 7PT. getting bored of straight 2H running around chopping people. plus i miss my throwing axes !
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #43 on: March 08, 2011, 05:49:52 pm »
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As opposed to him walking up and chopping you to pieces?

wpf - My first thrower, I waited until I had 7 Power Throw before I put any wpf in and watched the results.

PT increases accuracy, at least while standing still.
I noticed NO difference in accuracy between 1 wpf and 117 wpf.
Still standing still, with 8 PT, a group of snowflakes will have about a foot diameter spread at about 12 feet;
Heavy Axes will 3/5 times go (along vertical) where you want, the rest within a 2 foot spread.
Lances are erratic. I still think they are retarded.

Armor worn I have not tested the accuracy. Maybe next gen I will go back to thrower and observe closely.

The most obnoxious thing about getting killed by a thrower, is the guy who plants one in your face when you are one inch out of range. The most obvious solution is to have a decent shield and bump before you swing.

Having to hit TommyHu's courser with 3 axes on side deflection shots means I made 3 great throws, and the force was with me. Failing to see how needing 3 perfect throws with heavy axes is overpowered, though it is easier and more dangerous to make a throw at a rider charging head on. Try estimating speed of Champion Coursers.

Throwers have to spend significant amount of time learning where the throws are most likely to go, and working on their luck.

The only time I have 'topped' the leader board is by getting half my kills with whatever melee weapon I could find.
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #44 on: March 08, 2011, 07:12:19 pm »
I'm glad you're back Zisa. It's nice to have +1 intelligent member of the community who actually puts thought and time into their posts, even if you are antisocial. :P
Quote from: Godfrey of Ibelin
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