Cool beans.
How did those battles go?
So far they've hit our caravans and a token village we didn't have much force/gear in. We managed to do decently in the two caravan fights considering the odds. To be sure it cost them more in terms of troop cost than it did us for those fights, not that it matters with the stockpile DRZ surely has lined up, though. The village one we basically just got raped and spawn capped, losing all of our surplus cudgels.
It'll be interesting to have our actually equipped forces engage/be engaged by theirs, but ultimately even if the Hospitan alliance held off completely and it was all of the Green Alliance against DRZ I doubt that we'd have the resources to keep up a sustained fight, the conflict against DRZ is ultimately going to be a doomed fight for us if DRZ chooses to continue to push into NA. We can't outproduce them, not by a long shot, and especially not with our caravans waylaid, even if we all go 3 to 1 in every fight.