So I took some time tonight and did some reflecting on the direction of our clan. I looked back to the first pages and just kept going. We've lost members, we've gained members, we've taken shit from people, we've dished it out, but all in all, we've remained positive and our core is strong. I am getting ready to retire my main, again for the millionth time (it feels like) and for the first time I feel like the path I've chosen with our clan has been the right one.
For anyone who is looking at our thread, or considering us as a potential clan you'd like to be in, please contact me Brontosaurs910 on steam or PM me on here or Rhalzo.
Anyone new to our clan, if you want a build or maybe advice about loom points or the market, just give me a shout. I think I play the market as much as I play the actual game lol!
TL;DR: When we make the handoff, I double back, grab one of 'em and beat it out of him!