You traded with EU for all of strat, that is basically being a traitor to NA, that much is obvious even to me. Regardless, no one had a problem with you and we were friendly all strat, though most people could not be bothered to trade with new clans, especially considering LLJK and chaos's central positions on the map limiting trade distance viability, and the chokehold EU has on trade routes in the Strat map (very, very imbalanced). If someone like Goate trolled you in the LLJK teamspeak, well what do you expect, he is an obnoxious shit head troll goon, it always happens to people.
If I recall, Hospitallers declared war on me and attacked my fiefs and fiefs of my friends on their own, after shik, someone who has no say in green alliance politics and wasn't representing us at all, put on green colors and attacked as a 1 man faction and raided a fief. Because of that 400~ man raid you sent 5k armies to my doorstep. Not my fault you got owned so badly, like every other clan that's ever attacked LLJK. Either way, you attacked me all things considered and got enough of a beat down that I'm moving my armies elsewhere, so good luck with the rest of the war.