Author Topic: Multiple cases of teamwounding  (Read 478 times)

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Offline Auphilia

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Multiple cases of teamwounding
« on: February 22, 2012, 08:58:29 am »
This was all shorter in IRC, but I'll put it in some form of sentence structure.

Afrosamurai was teamwounding me at the start of 2-3 rounds.
I didn't screenshot anything, as I assumed the chat log showing "RL_Shogun_Kimiko has reported Afrosamurai for teamwounding" multiple times would be enough evidence. I've never seen this guy before, nor have I ever spoken to him. He is obviously someone's alt trying to troll.
I believe I reported him at least once for three rounds, maybe two. The final round, when I reported him three times in a row, he logged out.

The following round, another random samurai themed character shows up, again that I have not seen or heard of, and teamwounds me over and over. I managed to report him 3 times. I asked for admins, but none were on, well at least none who wanted to handle the situation. A few rounds later I saw an admin using pink texts and tried to speak with him multiple times, but I'm not sure if he ever answered me.

I don't recall the second character's name, but I suspect it was the same person as Afrosamurai. All of the evidence is in the logs. Sorry for not taking any screenshots.

I'd love to know who this/these trolls actually were and what clan they were affiliated with, as I have not provoked any from what I can tell. Although, I understand no admins can give me that information.

I reported this all in IRC and the time stamp on the reports are 23:52 - 23:56, so if you will be checking the game logs on NA_1, it would have started around 23:50 (maybe a bit sooner).

Anyways, thanks a lot. Sorry for any trouble.

I spoke to Espu very briefly about it too, if that helps.

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Re: Multiple cases of teamwounding
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2012, 03:46:32 pm »
23:35:51 - Afrosamurai has joined the game with ID: 368030

 23:40:45 - fiskurin_jumpy reported Afrosamurai for teamwounding. Penalty: [1/5]
 23:40:50 - Afrosamurai reported fiskurin_jumpy for teamwounding. Penalty: [1/5]

 23:46:28 - RL_Shogun_Kimiko reported Afrosamurai for teamwounding. Penalty: [2/5]

 23:51:27 - RL_Shogun_Kimiko reported Afrosamurai for teamwounding. Penalty: [3/5]
 23:51:29 - RL_Shogun_Kimiko reported Afrosamurai for teamwounding. Penalty: [4/5]
 23:51:34 - [PLAYER2ADMIN][RL_Shogun_Kimiko] ban him please

This, by itself, is not a whole lot to go on. Mostly what we have here is your word, and that you were trying to indicate something is wrong. While it's hard to believe that he was simply performing poorly or simply being reckless, this isn't necessarily a clear indication of guilt by itself. However...

23:55:14 - RL_Shogun_Kimiko reported Sakon_Shima for teamwounding. Penalty: [1/5]
 23:55:17 - RL_Shogun_Kimiko reported Sakon_Shima for teamwounding. Penalty: [2/5]
 23:55:19 - RL_Shogun_Kimiko reported Sakon_Shima for teamwounding. Penalty: [3/5]
 23:55:31 - [RL_Shogun_Kimiko] any admins one?
 23:55:33 - [RL_Shogun_Kimiko] on*
 23:55:34 - [RL_Shogun_Kimiko] seriously 

We can confirm that this is one and the same person, and this is some pretty pesky intentional singling out of one player to teamwound repeatedly. It's almost as if he left the server to avoid getting kicked from the server for being reported...!

This guy also has one prior ban on the NA server group for teamkilling.

Street JusticeĀ™ being delivered; see you tomorrow, Afrosamurai!