I disagree with the randoms, they're worthless and the best "teamwork" you get out of them is maybe not getting tk'd as much. Randoms = Rambo's. You can have good rambo's, but they're rambo's nonetheless. You yourself are a rambo Balb, the only thing is that you can rambo yourself to 30/2 kdrs which can carry your team of randoms to victory.
RAMBO RACE MACEATHON, Balbasaur you're awesomesauce don't listen to Gorath he's being strongbad
the way I play is for fun, I change my build each retire, I don't think randoms are worthless as a quality random myself for life*brofist to all* teamwork is something all players can work at, whether that means at least trying to play near your team so they take advantage more of your successes(try to protect you from your failures) or if you're actually able to do something more......
PS gorath you should play man you could retire reasonably if you just stuck to one char, and I don't have heirloomed armor *and never will just against my need to change costumes*and you don't really need that to kill kill kill
I mean the simplest team tactic to share with anyone who reads is follow someone like who does well into combat, fight together and do your best to help out, some of the easiest things to do are preventing double teams more than involving yourself in say an allied balbaroth 1 v 1