Author Topic: The State of Archery in cRPG - all fear the machine gun bows  (Read 15073 times)

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Re: The State of Archery in cRPG - all fear the machine gun bows
« Reply #75 on: January 30, 2012, 04:19:50 pm »
I'd much rather see some tests where the archer has a decent PD, targets are moving, and where there's certainty about IF. I can see that it's a relatively high strength build, and being NA, the target dummy might have a lot of health. Perhaps the 0.260 patch changes were felt slightly harder in the NA?

Otherwise, my experience is as Dezi's, I have 47 body armor, 50 head and 5IF and it usually takes 3-6 arrows to take me down from what I reckon is a decent archer, sometimes  I lose as much as 60% health (might be a bolt though) and I've yet to be shot in the head without dying.

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Re: The State of Archery in cRPG - all fear the machine gun bows
« Reply #76 on: January 30, 2012, 06:08:26 pm »
Take a look at the good archers, and try to learn something  8-)

Yes, I learned that I'm fucked for having the wrong level 33 build that was perfectly viable before. Your point?
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Re: The State of Archery in cRPG - all fear the machine gun bows
« Reply #77 on: January 30, 2012, 06:11:22 pm »
I'd much rather see some tests where the archer has a decent PD, targets are moving, and where there's certainty about IF. I can see that it's a relatively high strength build, and being NA, the target dummy might have a lot of health. Perhaps the 0.260 patch changes were felt slightly harder in the NA?

Otherwise, my experience is as Dezi's, I have 47 body armor, 50 head and 5IF and it usually takes 3-6 arrows to take me down from what I reckon is a decent archer, sometimes  I lose as much as 60% health (might be a bolt though) and I've yet to be shot in the head without dying.

To your first point, I did some more detailed testing when I was an archer in the past:,18247.msg260709.html#msg260709
With that testing I had MW bodkins, MW horn bow, and 5 PD.  This was shortly after the bodkins -> pierce damage change.  TLDR if you CBA to read about my findings a bit more:

Bodkins will kill tin cans in about 5 or 6 hits on the average.
Bodkins will kill mid-heavy troops in about 4 hits on the average.
Bodkins will kill lighter troops in about 2-3 hits on the average.

The above was BEFORE the recent nerf.  Naysayers of course loved to talk about the fact I had 5 PD instead of 7 or 8 or 100 or whatever since apparently they know more about archer builds than archers themselves.   But this is what a stronger build looked like before, and personally I think the numbers were perfectly appropriate.

Back to your comment about strength builds and my most recent video testing, BaleOhay had 24 strength, unsure about IF.  It took me 13 arrows (2 of them glanced but it still took that many 'hits' to kill him so I'm including those).  If he had no ironflesh he had 59 HP, giving my arrows an average of 4.5 damage a shot.  If he had full IF (8) that means he had 75 hp, or my arrows did 5.8 damage a shot on average.  Both of those totals are very low.

Lotus_Slayer, the one who took me 15 arrows to kill in 43 body armor, even if he was 30 strength and had 10 IF (85 hp), my arrows averaged 5.7 damage a shot on him.   And I'm pretty sure he wasn't full strength.

If you or others want to test archery damage further please do so: I encourage video and other 'provable' testing.  Of course the occasional headshot is going to 1-hit kill, a high PD archer is going to land a headshot every now and then, and that's the thing that sticks in people's heads, not the numerous arrows that it took to fell them earlier, or the amount of damage that bounced off.   But I'm not going to be jumping through hoops with hundreds of examples of various scenarios trying to please those who think ranged damage is fine as it is - no matter what information I post, no matter how much evidence I bring up, it won't be enough for some people who refuse to change their mindset.

I am convinced however that ranged is not fine right now.  It takes far too much effort and player skill to even remotely compete with melee/cavalry for their killing effectiveness, even with the ability to fire from distance. I don't mind a challenge, but right now the scales are way off.
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Re: The State of Archery in cRPG - all fear the machine gun bows
« Reply #78 on: January 30, 2012, 06:37:23 pm »
70 body armor.
56/57 head.

I literally laugh about body hits.
I got widely opened eyes whenever i get a head hit (massive hp loss, always)

Got one shotted once so far.

18 str, 4 if.

I like the general idea of headshotaim.

The sorroundings and necessities should be altered though (softened up).

Though, keep bodyshots the way they are. Perfect way to seperate lowskillers from professionals imo.

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Re: The State of Archery in cRPG - all fear the machine gun bows
« Reply #79 on: January 30, 2012, 06:52:50 pm »
Though, keep bodyshots the way they are. Perfect way to seperate lowskillers from professionals imo.

Headshots have more to do with the type of bow than player skill. I have more chances of hitting a moving target in the head at medium range than a still one, with my longbow. consequently using is hornbow is way more efficient, and anyone with a different build is even more screwed. All things considered the way ranged damage was before made way more sence. They should have just buffed head damage a bit.

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Re: The State of Archery in cRPG - all fear the machine gun bows
« Reply #80 on: January 30, 2012, 06:55:44 pm »
Perfect way to seperate lowskillers from professionals imo.

Can't completely agree here to be honest, it's not difficult to aim slightly above where you normally do.  :rolleyes: If you can't do that then you have a complete lack of hand-eye co-ordination.
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Re: The State of Archery in cRPG - all fear the machine gun bows
« Reply #81 on: January 30, 2012, 07:00:26 pm »
Archery is completly destroyed now.
Especially high PD archers(including me) are nerfed like hell.

I went to a 10PD longbow build to deal great damage to the body and not to be a superaccurate headshot sniper.
But now my build is nearly useless, because I only can aim for the head at close ranges and the damage
to the body is a bad joke.

I stopped playing as an archer since the new crappy damage system was released.
Now... it seems like I deal nearly the same damage with 30str, 1PS and my 3+Mace as with 10PD and 3+Longbow and 3+bodkins.

Ranged damage is totaly unbalanced atm. it should be changed back to the prepatch damage...
or do the same with melee weapons(haa... it would be funny to see all these meelers whining about the crappy damage :lol:).

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Re: The State of Archery in cRPG - all fear the machine gun bows
« Reply #82 on: January 30, 2012, 07:01:01 pm »
70 body armor.
56/57 head.

I literally laugh about body hits.

18 str, 4 if.

Though, keep bodyshots the way they are. Perfect way to seperate lowskillers from professionals imo.

You laugh at body hits yet want things to stay as they are?  I'm shocked!  :rolleyes:

At least your reasoning is consistent: right now only melee and cavalry gods are able to get kills in cRPG, the remaining 95% of melee are completely unable to harm people.  Yes, you need to have Phyrex level melee skills to get kills and OH GOD MY EYES ARE ROLLING INTO THE BACK OF MY SKULL!

Can't completely agree here to be honest, it's not difficult to aim slightly above where you normally do.  :rolleyes: If you can't do that then you have a complete lack of hand-eye co-ordination.
I'm at work right now, but I'd love to see your skills in action.  Maybe we can get on the duel server, I can run around at medium distance and see how long it takes you to headshot me?  We could do 5 tests and I'd happily post them in this thread.  What bow do you use?
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Re: The State of Archery in cRPG - all fear the machine gun bows
« Reply #83 on: January 30, 2012, 07:08:09 pm »
Archery is completly destroyed now.
Especially high PD archers(including me) are nerfed like hell.

I went to a 10PD longbow build to deal great damage to the body and not to be a superaccurate headshot sniper.
But now my build is nearly useless, because I only can aim for the head at close ranges and the damage
to the body is a bad joke.

I stopped playing as an archer since the new crappy damage system was released.
Now... it seems like I deal nearly the same damage with 30str, 1PS and my 3+Mace as with 10PD and 3+Longbow and 3+bodkins.
Archers and throwers should be able to use PD and PT above 10 just like melee can use PS above 10. That would help archers and throwers regain some of their power (trade off is inaccuracy of course).
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 07:11:41 pm by Lichen »

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Re: The State of Archery in cRPG - all fear the machine gun bows
« Reply #84 on: January 30, 2012, 07:09:05 pm »
I'm at work right now, but I'd love to see your skills in action.  Maybe we can get on the duel server, I can run around at medium distance and see how long it takes you to headshot me?  We could do 5 tests and I'd happily post them in this thread.  What bow do you use?

It's not skill that this change needs to negate it, the smaller the target, the more that the randomness of the reticle takes effect, aiming slightly higher will mean that you aim for "the sweet spot" and unless you have 100% pin point accuracy, skill has nothing to do with it.

You can't say that because someone is aiming for the head, that they will hit 100% of the time because the reticle will make it more difficult. As an experienced archer, I am quite aware that there is only a certain amount that having skill and experience can change.

Please don't take this the wrong way Shine but it would be a silly test because even if I was able to follow you perfectly using programs, the hit rate would be lower than if that program was following your body perfectly due to the fact that it's a larger target, therefore filling more of the reticle.
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Re: The State of Archery in cRPG - all fear the machine gun bows
« Reply #86 on: January 30, 2012, 07:33:39 pm »
It's not skill that this change needs to negate it, the smaller the target, the more that the randomness of the reticle takes effect, aiming slightly higher will mean that you aim for "the sweet spot" and unless you have 100% pin point accuracy, skill has nothing to do with it.

You can't say that because someone is aiming for the head, that they will hit 100% of the time because the reticle will make it more difficult. As an experienced archer, I am quite aware that there is only a certain amount that having skill and experience can change.

Please don't take this the wrong way Shine but it would be a silly test because even if I was able to follow you perfectly using programs, the hit rate would be lower than if that program was following your body perfectly due to the fact that it's a larger target, therefore filling more of the reticle.

I agree with all the points you make here, I apologize I think I misread your earlier post to be that you were able to headshot consistently and that it is easy to do.  I agree that as you said it isn't too difficult to 'aim up', but of course from that point the random factors of the shot can cause a perfectly well aimed shot to miss.

I think that's my greatest grievance with the recent changes.  If you have high PD or a stronger bow the random factors of scoring a headshot supersede a lot of player skill.  And if you have a smaller bow with lower PD in order to limit those random factors... the videos from my OP show the result  :wink:
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Re: The State of Archery in cRPG - all fear the machine gun bows
« Reply #87 on: January 30, 2012, 08:01:21 pm »
70 body armor.
56/57 head.

I literally laugh about body hits.
I got widely opened eyes whenever i get a head hit (massive hp loss, always)

Got one shotted once so far.

18 str, 4 if.

I like the general idea of headshotaim.

The sorroundings and necessities should be altered though (softened up).

Though, keep bodyshots the way they are. Perfect way to seperate lowskillers from professionals imo.


Mention me a HA that can score a headshot 1 in 5 AIMED shots on average.
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Re: The State of Archery in cRPG - all fear the machine gun bows
« Reply #88 on: January 30, 2012, 08:47:08 pm »
I bet even tuonela couldn't!

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Re: The State of Archery in cRPG - all fear the machine gun bows
« Reply #89 on: January 30, 2012, 09:07:54 pm »
nope, not even if you were to slow down to a stop before each shot...
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