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Soap Opera are ze best.
Also, as always, CHAOS is still looking for shielders and archers. Don't be shy! Just get a hold of myself, Canary or Rhaelys if interested.
This community hurts my brains, a lot.
hey anwyl u look really pretty today in your avatar -your loyal fan
I saw Tears and Shik put a bag over Goatee's kind innocent head and put him into the back of a FEMA truck! WAKE UP CRPG!
Why thanks. Better than Vic?
Also, as always, CHAOS is still looking for shielders and archers. Don't be shy! Just get a hold of myself, Canary or Rhaelys if interested, or of dynamike if you are an attractive female gamer looking for a German Baywatch experience to spice up your life.
Show ur face! Ur ruining it for face men like Shovel and Karma.