-1'ing my posts has the same effect, Karma
Well this is an interesting thing as well. Where I was raised, how I was raised, people were respectful of one another. You give respect you get respect. I've run into much the same here in the states with very (see. VERY) few exceptions. You are nice and respectful to people, they will return the favour. People may not just walk up to you on the streets and be nice, but if you extend the dick of kindness people almost never spit in your face.
The very fact that you are skeptical of this shows me that you have never tried, in your entire lives, to be the better person. Never tried to offer someone respect without wanting something in return. That you are both selfish people that will never be truly be happy until you learn that not everything is about you. Most relationships and marriages fail because people claim their partner is selfish (Really they are both selfish, and as a result lose respect for each other) Now, I'm probably going to be called an idiot again, and get downvoted by Karma (because I'm obviously making too much sense), but simply offering respect without expecting anything in return goes a long way towards gaining and maintaining respect toward you.
Well I can say it feels good to have gotten that off my chest. Please continue your trolling and stupidity Chaos (<---WTF!?). I wish you the very best. With every day that goes by I lose respect for your members, but some very few of you are managing to make up for it, and I thank you for that.
Dear BADMIN_Rape_Intake_Coybum,
1. First off why would you bring this topic up again if you aren't a complete attention whore?
2. Stop acting like you know about relationships.... because you sound dumb (re: Almost all marriages end because both partners are selfish)
3. I'd like to mate with you animalistically but after reading this post I'm going to need you to sign some sort of waiver that states you won't talk during the coitus...
4. People are pieces of shit. If you are nice to a good amount of people they will take advantage of you. In my line of work I see the scum of the Earth and trust me, there is no heaven.
5. I wouldn't be trying to get ANYTHING off your chest. What's your cup size?