I used to have a +3 Katana and +1 Heavy Strange Armor... but then I thought, "The Longsword kinda looks like Aragorn's sword from Lord of the Rings..." and "The Practice Longsword actually isn't all that bad. Reach of Highland Claymore, speed of Great Axe, less weight than Longsword... Hmm..." and of course, "The Straw Hat looks so goddamn motherfucking pimp. I wish I looked like that hat, 'cause I would get all the chicks. Fucking 0 weight, it's like 2 free head armor, fuck. If I got one +3'd it would be 6. That's Woolen Cap level head armor, dear god... Wait, just a moment... NO REPAIR COSTS? WHERE'S MY FUCKING WALLET?!"
And here I am.