cav is ez mode disgusting noob class, I am a pro cav and I have no delusions about how little that means in term of skill, because most infantry are awful and even the good ones drop their guard sometimes and can get lanced for most/all of their HP at any time.
Before the ranged nerf, my horse would almost always take attrition damage (destrier or cataphract) from ranged over the course of the map, leading to very often mid round horse deaths from their weakened state. Bows do a SAD amount of damage to cav now, especially the super bad armor crutchers who use mamluks like Ylca or Palatro, I guarantee those champion mamluks take little to no damage from anything. Sure head shots do a lot, but you are scrub cav if you are charging bows head on like that anyways.
As is, the servers often have way too much cav on them, and it will probably get moreso as others GTX ranged.
I actually think the prices are pretty decent, you do have to sacrifice stuff to become dedicated cav, usually loom points, though the fact that I can break even/make money on a cataphract is kind of silly. Then again, there is nothing silly about carrying teams to 5x every map.
I generally like the balance of cav, and think their constant dominance is more the nature of the game and the players then actual stats. Cav getting stopped by pikes and long spears should really just drop dead though, not be able to ride away. Heavy cav takes too many melee hits to take down without speed bonus, often bizarre glancing angles, perhaps armor reduction (with more HP to compensate) would be good. Across the board maneuver nerf so cav can't finagle themselves out of any BS situation would be good too.