I just noticed that pikes were made unbalanced.
Seriously, why don't you just fucking REMOVE them from the game?
I would really like a developer to answer me the question what is wrong with this weapon? It was the last resonable weapon that was left for my fucked up, over half a year old build, and I never ever managed to INJURE anyone who approached my in a duel, due to being easily blockable, stabbing into the ground or simply glancing, and next to the fact that it's unsheathable and takes three slots now you made it unbalanced. Sure, I suck in this game, skill-wise, but still I don't think pikeman should be the mastership of all weapons, only suitable for the most experienced and capable players. Lowering the difficulty by one for the long spear does NOTHING, as there is no difference in having STR11 or 12, if you don't spend your attribute points in multiples of three you waste valuable skill points!
At least on EU I didn't see any pikeman that really rocked the scoreboard, who was NOT a clan player who could always stick to his teammates who protect him reliably and allow him to make some kills.
If a pikeman doesn't concentrate on supporting in melee, which other classes are very well capable of, too, but instead decides to protect the flanks from cavalry (which other classes are NOT so well capable of), he can be happy if he is in the middle of the scoreboard, it is a really ungrateful job, and all you do is nerfing the weapon further, because the whining about pikes is bigger than the whining about archers, crossbowmen, two handers and halberds? Really?
Just tell me what your problem with pikes is.
Currently we have
Long Spear
weapon length: 245 (only advantage)
weight: 2.5 (doesn't really matter much)
difficulty: 11 (oh wow! better than 12!)
speed rating: 81 (the great maul is only 1 point slower!)
weapon length: 245 (double stat

thrust damage: 26 pierce (not really convincing)
slots: 3 (pure madness)
Can't use on horseback
Can't sheath
And you have to pay 5477 gold for this shit. 3000 would be too much.
Really, there must be one of the developers who is completely biased against pikes, I didn't even start about the stats of the real pike. It's ridiculous. Unbelievable what you have to pay for a big weapon reach that can easily be nullified by simply DOWNBLOCKING.