The current stats of the ashwood pike are clearly making it "OP". As some of you might know, I´m a dedicated ashwood-pike-user with a MW ashwood pike and can get (if I´m in good mood) insane scores with it.
Here is what I though of, to make it a more
dedicated weapon without nerfing it too hard:
1a: Make it
unusable with a shield. (its 1 longer than the awlpike, and the awlpike is sheathable but not usable with a shield anymore, so why should the ashwood be usable with a shield)
or (
1b: Make it 3 slots. It becomes a dedicated weapon for non-shield pole-users and hoplites, but those hoplites could only take a 1 slot shield and NO backup 1h, so real
hoplites (I know hoplites most of the times also had short sword or knives as backup weapons, but meh, balance is not = realism). It should have a penalty for using with a shield of course, but only a little one.
2: Make it more expensive. At least the same price like the war spear, at maximum the same price like the awlpike.
3: Make it 1 or maybe even 2 speed less.
I think this changes would balance it quite good. I´m aware of the fact that beside the higher upkeep this changes would not touch my
personal playstyle too hard, as I do not use a shield anyway. But I´m a dedicated user of this weapon and I am asking for a nerf, so I guess I can be biased.
EDIT: sry, didn´t saw the game balance child board, can some mod move the thread there? Thanks