Goretooth, we have raided plenty of lljk too lol and what gear have you gotten? pitchforks? maybe a few trade goods? Your army costs you more per day than what you get from raiding us. The amazing part about all of this is how lljk manages to think themselves the underdogs and how every victory they have is purely from their skill and dedication when they have more than 3 times our numbers not counting their alliances and dont even think oh you have alliances too because our allies are not helping us in fighting you. The only reason we are at war is because we decided to have fun in strat and not be a part of the carebear alliances And if your having fun too Goretooth, raiding us, then great aint that what games are about :p the fun not the E-Penis size?
Dude you lost 650 to 450, quit thinking that has anything to do with how more many players each clan has. Being a big clan we have to spend our resources in multiple places, to think we spend anything more than the scraps and leftovers fighting you guys every two weeks would be a mistake.
Upkeep is a cost of business, and you haven't really impacted those numbers.
We've made over 60k from Fisdnar since we took it, any dent you have made in those profits has been less than a statistical margin of error.
The battles are fun but stop acting like you are "winning".
You've had 1 successful caravan raid that was 204 vs 54, I wouldn't call that plenty.
Get better allies and quit talking trash. If you guys had spent an extra week buying things better than pitchforks, you probably would have won. But I doubt it.