Someone's angry.
You always said DL did most of the work gathering equipment and gold for those villages. With what, all two of you? The only gold you ever got was from when you gathered the alliance crafting goods and sold them because you needed something to keep you occupied.
We came into the alliance with more members than you, thus we crafted more/recruited more.
Remind me again how Strat 2 didn't count?
It's a video game. Don't be bitter. You need to spice things up a bit and move around with something as boring as Strategus, and that's the mentality we have.
actually DL at that time had a bunch of guys active. And i never said we funded either battle, please re-read. I said you too did the first, and THEN we came and helped. Then, i said if not for invicti's connection, we would NEVER have held the villages. AND DL actually has between CoN and DL a good 15 members.
Everything thing i said was true! Just try and point anything i said that WASN'T true. You joined the alliance. You helped. After UKC started their war on us, you guys became squeamish about recapture, and left and then joined reddit and now are under the "Do Nothing Alliance".(couldn't think of a cool way to call NA alliance thing lljk has).
So like i said, HALF right. You did earn it, but after that it was the "Do Nothing Alliance" and easy villages.
Why haven't you guys attacked a castle or city yet? Holding troops for that dumb EU invasion i hear everyone says will come.(doubtful, EU's are to concerned on taking castles/towns to do shit)