As it is now we play the same, lets say 25 maps over and over most maps are fine but overplayed.
pls add more make it like its rare to see the same map in a week of average playing time.
i mean there are enough maps to expand the rotation to like 100+ maps (and im talking not about unbalanced crap maps)
some examples of good maps (ye theyre not all good for cav but i mean wouldnt it be good if theres more variety of maps in the roation? i dont want only inf or only cav maps make a good mix)
-canals of our city
- maaseutu 1
-iron mine
-more random flat maps to compensate the mix of inf and cav maps
-battle in swadia
-mountain warfare
there are a lot more
those maps can all be found on eu_crpg_imperiale and there are lot of people who like to play em.