So a horse having the chance to turn around and run, directly after it stopped due to bumping into a house should also be forbidden then correct?
I mean, you can hardly get the horsy, while it can always charge you and run away again.
And horsearchers omg! They should ride turtles now instead of fast horses
Horses already have counters, such as RANGE and pikes. Thus changing their speed and other factors is MOOT because we aren't talking about them in this thread.
Stop dodging the point, you brought up the same point several times and I have addressed it with the exact same answer that systematically labels your points irrelevant and based on nothing but comparative analysis of other game mechanics not being questioned. Poor game mechanics make the only counter for one class the exact same class, thus we have exactly what the CRPG dev team has been trying to fix for months now, the RANGE PROBLEM.
EDIT: All this change would do is make it so that when range is using their super amazing advantage, they have a disadvantage for a short period of time that leaves them vulnerable to being assaulted in melee. If they choose to disengage in range attacks, and relocate to a new firing position, they will have full advantage of athletics and be completely unhindered as they are now.
Join a clan and learn tactics and be in a team, or die alone trying to counter everything by yourself while midst randomers or in rambo play.
If this is directed at me, I assume by team you mean get range on your side to counter the other teams range.
CRPG has never been more balanced then it is now, and from what I have seen the WPF curve is going to be addressed since they have adjusted the combat animations to a point the devs are happy with. Next would be properly adjusting range to fit into this game so that it isn't the rambo class.