power penis stat for crossbow.
nono, the stat for crossbows is called:
Boring bastard. You need 6 Boring Bastard points to use a Campbalest at the top of the scale, and only 1 Boring bastard point for a Light Campybow.
@Paul: Renaissance "enlightement" has a lot to answer for, for starters they taught a RIDICULOUS archery style, which is carried on into olympic archery of today.
Archery was practised only once a week as a peasant: Once you were drafted (If your landlord said you were going for a soldier, you were going and that's that) you loosed arrows everyday, dont forget the English knights lived or died in France according to how their archers did, since they could never match the weight of numbers or gear fielded by the French. The english werent proud of the fact they used their archers as a primary weapon, but they accepted it, the goverment even sponsored their gear. England went thru so many bowstaves that large parts of european woodland suffered HUGE privations, due to loss of the entire population of yew. For 200 years, ANY ship that wished to dock in England HAD to bring yew bowstaves as an import tax, some for each measure of anything else they brought (the number varied according to need).
You cant honestly mean to tell me that all of that was done if the archers had not been OP. They were obviously OP. As to weights: I could draw 90 pounder when I was 15, I now confortably draw a 140 pounder and can hit the butts at 100 yards with 9 of 12. I'm not even 6 feet tall. A large man can shoot 180 pounds 200 yards with 50% bunches, and I can easily believe a seasoned pro can draw 200 and 220 pounds without rupturing himself. I would probably drop a trousertrout if I tried, but I'm scrawny too.
As to that blacksmith getting more meat than an archer from way back when: Archers dont go hungry mate, they got bows...