Hello fellow player! So you got some extra gold, you retired and are tired of the heirloomed item, or you're feeling lucky starting a great career in the Marketplace business.
Congratulations!!! Now, hold on your horses, you adrenaline rush youngling, and take a brief time to ponder something important beforehand: this is the internet.
You just wasted hours and hours of your real life time playing this video-game and I'm sure you don't want to lose all that precious time and effort in the dark world the internet is.
I see I have your full attention now...
Well then, since it's not rocket science and to most of us, common sense, I'll give you a few
tips that you should always follow while playing in the market, within specific situations, in order to avoid being scammed, 'cause unfortunately, it's something that happens with some recurrence.
----------------------Scenario - Buying Heirloom Points:---------------------- This is a common situation nowadays, with all the stalemate within the market wares, and average high generations, players tend to prefer paying a bit more and heirloom their specific items 'till +3, without having to waste time and resources with trades.
Perfectly normal, nothing to worry about (for now).
If your intention is to get a normal item turned into a generation +1, nothing bad can come out of it. The seller will know which item to heirloom, and puts it directly on the market for the agreed value. yay!
But if you want your +1 or +2 generation item to be heirloomed, that's when those scammers can and will try to hit you hard.
First of all you should always
check the date of account registration/number of posts of the seller in the forum information. A recently created account with 1 post only kinda explains itself of what to expect.
In this specific scenario, you'll want to
ask for either:
i) a safe guard
item of the same
generation / value;
ii) a
monetary quantity equivalent to the final value of the item after heirlooming;
iii) any other combination of a
heirloomed item + currency that is actually viable for your interests.
Note: This can be ignored when dealing with known players by the community or whom are vouched for. This is a small community, making things easier.
After asking there's always one of the following feedbacks from the seller:
a) "hmm well if you really need it... i can trade my
ITEM X for your
ITEM Y, etc etc etc.(...)";
b) "but I don't have moeny or itamz for trade, i'm gen 1 (...)";
c) "sorry i don't have items for trade or gold yet, but don't worry, not like i'm gonna scam you or anything...";
d) "so i take your item, loom it and put it to trade for the value we talked. Agreed? It's a deal!".
As a person gifted with intelligence and common sense you are (or so I hope), you will only accept the option
a) and everything goes smooth (or should at least).
There is
NO excuse to fall into such pesky lines of words as the other 3 options or any other tempting sweet little lie, that can't be trusted at all, with no safe guard as a counter-measure.
Nothing can be taken for granted! You remembered these little tips, and everything went fine! Once again,
Congratulations!!! You are now officially ready to take head on the brutal ruthless world the marketplace is, and proud as a young lion after it's first kill! >:3
If misfortune is your middle name, and you got scammed, don't worry nothing is lost, you can contact one of the next cRPG team members to deal with the situation: Paul/Urist, okiN, Meow or Shik.
As Meow said regarding one specific scam occurrence:
Do not do this kind of trades with completely untrustworthy people.
No way we can guaranty returns of your stuff all the time...
So, why not playing safe?
Notes: This is just an happy and hopefully helpful way of teaching newcomers the reality about scamming, and as such I'd like to see this pinned on the marketplace section.
Everyone is invited to help with more tips regarding avoiding scam situations, so we can build together a good and rich topic regarding it.
Specific thanks for Aljo, regarding the enrichment of this post.
Thanks for your time and best regards,