Author Topic: [_d20] The Score (Is YOUR name in the Book?)  (Read 672 times)

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[_d20] The Score (Is YOUR name in the Book?)
« on: December 19, 2011, 10:50:41 pm »
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At first, there was The Student. Torn by three generations of conflict and tired of the eternal war that his brethren waged, he rested at the foot of an ancient aspen tree. There, surrounded by roots older than Sargoth itself, he discovered The Book nestled in an abandoned hedgehog's hollow.

Four nights and five days later, the student turned The Book's last page. Enlightened, Kalam (for that is what his name was) received his Call that night in the form of a dream. Packing his few belongings, he left the men of war who had been his family and went in search of The Score.

He found the Second of Twenty at the bottom of a well. To clarify, the student found himself at the bottom of a well, and was rescued from a watery demise by The Lancer, as The Book predicted he would. Far from a team player and something of an itinerant rogue, Kaelaen (for that was the Lancer's name) argued with The Student on the merits of personal achievement and the practical pursuit of physical enrichment.

Engaged as they were in heavy-handed debate, they stumbled upon a public execution. The victim was fair of hair and heavy of beard, and the judge and executioner, a local Bailiff, declared that he was a notorious rapist and violator of men, women, and goats. The Student commented on the wonders of redemption and mercy, and it was decided that The Heroic Sociopath would be freed. The towns people did not agree, but The Lancer had surreptitiously loosened BlondeKhan's (for that was his name in those days) bonds and stolen getaway horses.

After a harrowing pursuit, the three followers took solace in a quiet barn. The farmer's son, discovering the trespassers, launched into an angry tirade that displayed his youth and ignorance to the world-wise travelers. Shaking his head, The Heroic Sociopath asked The Young Guy if he would follow them. The Student realized then that this, too, was part of The Book, and that Snickers (for that was The Young Guy's name) was a member of The Score, too.

Leaving to cross the great river, the four companions gazed upon the horizon, wondering what else The Prophecy held. What their purpose was, and most of all...

Who else out there was part of The Score?

Ask if you believe that your purpose is written in The Book.
You can only join with your main character.
No trolling, just role-playing.
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The Student - Kalam
The Lancer - Kaelaen
The Heroic Sociopath - BlondeKhan
The Young Guy - Snickers

« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 10:53:04 pm by Kalam »

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Re: [_d20] The Score (Is YOUR name in the Book?)
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2011, 02:48:49 am »
I heard about a drunk being mentioned in this book...
Any idea who that might be?

Offline Malthred

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Re: [_d20] The Score (Is YOUR name in the Book?)
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2012, 01:09:29 am »
I heard that Malthred Stark, Lord of Winterfell, was mentioned as well.