In all seriousness, if this isn't some elaborate, blatant, uncivilized troll (if it is, I will laugh my ass off), then really, guys.
You lost a lot of hard work, it happens. Life isn't fair, we don't always get to keep the shit we've worked for. I can sympathize with people who have played for many more hours than me to cultivate looms, specialize in builds that they really enjoy, and work their way up to the point where people actively talk about them not just in game, but on the forums.
It sucks, it really does, and I'm definitely understanding of how angry you feel.At the same time, however, what about the devs and mods? Those of them who play have to deal with the same losses you do, and, on top of that, they all have to deal with a lot of fallout in the community. All from an honest mistake (as it was put earlier, the process was a bit shortsighted, but that's seen easier in 20/20 hindsight). Have some more patience, and things will go by quicker, and you'll be able to get back to those +3 becs and plate armors sooner
Or, you can try something entirely new: take the opportunity to experience c-rpg in a new way, see the glass as half full, all that hippy bullshit.