Author Topic: When will you finally take out retarded things like jump-poking with pikes etc?  (Read 6245 times)

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Offline Konrax

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And after that you put a tooth under your pillow and drink a warm glass of chocolate milk?

What you said works for 1 handed thrust. NOT when someone is holding 3m sharpened pole with their both hands and locked under armpit.

I don't know if you ever heard of Kali, its a Philippine art used for stick/sword/knife fighting. Kali uses this technique I described to block stabs as one of the many block techniques. If you want a bit more of an explanation there is also a bit of a side step, and the block is meant to keep it on course while the person moves out of the way, while the weapon stops the opponents weapon from following the direction change. It would work quite easily for a pike or any long thrusting weapon really.

Little video there of a master at work with Kali, which also translates into dual weapon fighting when your skilled enough in the art.

It's a little something I do on weekends when I get bored of internet sword fighting ;)

EDIT: At 2:44 he actually uses the technique I described.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 02:47:39 am by Konrax »

Offline Siiem

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I can see how you would block a pike with those tiny sticks.

Offline Mr_Oujamaflip

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I like jumpstab, it looks retarded but it adds some flair into the game.

Offline Uumdi

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I think the poking mechanisms are pretty cool honestly.  You gotta use your imagination a bit, but all the moves arent as completely wacky as a 360 or the even worse, 720 spin with a longspear / pike.  Arcing it to the side or up first make a degree of sense.

What I have changed my mind about over the past couple months is its ability to block perfectly.  I appreciate the devs experimenting with taking its block ability away, but I wish there was somewhere in between that was possible.  Because right now, the only way to get past it, is to break through the line of offense with shields or taking out targets one by one, or insanely risky footwork.  Finally you make it, and the key target is taking out that pikeman, but he can turn the 3 meter long stick horizontally and vertically in an instant.  He has the perfect defense, and there is nothing you can do without a great maul to penetrate that. 

If anything it helps you block by drawing a giant brown BLOCK THIS WAY line across your screen.  In reality, you could block, absolutely, but 10 consecutive times, absolutely not.  Screw realism in game balance, yeah I agree, but could it be possible to code in a small stun when it blocks, allowing for a follow up thrust or side swing?  Taking out a pikeman right now means bringing a crossbow and telling all of your friends to as well, because you can't punish a pikeman for leaving himself open right now.  Pikes sometimes feel like fighting Dhalsim but with invincibility frames on yoga fire and teleport.
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Offline Gurnisson

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Any piker attacking a block will be vulnerable for god knows how long. That thrust-stun on the pikes are ludicrous. That's really what you should take advantage of when going for a pikeman. However if the piker is backpedaling and blocking flawlessly there's nothing you can do really. :P
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

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Taking out jump attacks? I imagine none of you have played, for example, Vikingr, that did this.

The result? A guy rushes and jumps to a spot, that is only reachable by jumping, then camps it, enemy melee can't possibly do anything to him. And that was in the rather small Vikingr playerbase...
What could cRPG players come up with? :|

Offline rufio

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jsut remove poleston,, fixed
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Offline Konrax

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No I did not actually hear about it, but it I still stand my ground with the fact that pushing away a man, who is wielding pike locked with 2 hands and running towards you, with one handed sword is close to impossible.

Sure thing, I will take your word as soon as you can jump in the air and spin at different speeds in any direction you chose and then thrust said pike during this miracle of a feat.

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Pike users can't pull out a bec or something anymore. Seems good nuff to me! Skilled pikeman are much more interesting/deserving now. Just glad I don't see dime a dozen long spear spam now!

hmm, yea.
tonight on NA1, spam of pike men was as obvious as that tent I was getting in my pants when playing.
*yes, I got a boner because my dick felt threatened by all the sticks out there*

Offline Zerran

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hmm, yea.
tonight on NA1, spam of pike men was as obvious as that tent I was getting in my pants when playing.
*yes, I got a boner because my dick felt threatened by all the sticks out there*

Wouldn't happen to have been that KUTT was on in force, would it? Pike clan on: lots of pikes. Archer clan on: lots of archers. Cav clan on: lots of cav.
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Offline Uumdi

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EDIT, ill stop bawwing
« Last Edit: February 15, 2012, 08:42:47 am by Uumdi »
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Offline Konrax

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Learn to read.

Then why use such an argument to counter a completely valid point that I made about you saying its unrealistic when we aren't even talking about realism.

Learn to think.

Game breaking mechanic, don't allow weapons of a certain length or longer to be swung while in the air.

Sound really tough to program to me:

If weapon length >= 150 AND player = jump


Player = no attack

I'm sure it's not that easy, but stfu about something being too difficult to do when you aren't the one doing it.

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Wouldn't happen to have been that KUTT was on in force, would it? Pike clan on: lots of pikes. Archer clan on: lots of archers. Cav clan on: lots of cav.

User: Wouldn't happen to have been that KUTT was on in force, would it? Pike clan on: lots of pikes. Archer clan on: lots of archers. Cav clan on: lots of cav.

Cleverbot: Perdona? No te he entendido.

cleverbot no approve
So the new response to ranged ragers is not "get a shield", it is "learn to chamber ranged nub!"
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Offline Felix

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F*** you Konrax. Get some brains. Pikeman (with 3 m pike NOT the long spear that is till viable for dueling) is extremely vulnerable when being pitted 1 v 1 against some crazy 2hander. He can only block and backpedal which won't last long - either he will get gangbanged or he will get saved.  The only advantage we have is the weapon length - but without jumping and jump spin attacking we can't HIT for shit cause of game physics (blocking a huge 3m pike with a single down block with ANY kind of weapon - be it a huge flamberge or a tiny wooden stick). And we CAN'T raise our pike and try to hit enemies from behind an ally through gaps - cause we will undoubtedly hit an ally or the pike will just do "whiff" sound and it takes a whole fucking second to recharge an attack, then backpedal a bit cause the game doesn't have static weapon damage and we're deprived of the ability to use our weapon's length and weight to sink the pike's point into one's body without using momentum.

Now the only way to actually hit someone is to jump, spin and use the length of your weapon. You gonna blame us for that? And all you need to do is pay some attention, block down in time and MIRACLE you're not hit. If you're hit then you're noob and can't block for shit. Or you shouldn't have chosen this spot on battlefield (like going in some whacky formation against group of 3-4 pikemen and some 2handers + shielders). The pike has ONE goddamn attack and you still whine. Not TWO even. BUT ONE. Even a kid can do that for god's sake  :lol: I am a pikeman and i can easily fight off other pikemen even if they're jump spinning.

F*** you man. You're stupid. This is game. In reality we would have pike formation and nice polished breastplate. STFU. Your blabbering is really disturbing. It's not even a discussion. It's just an one-sided whining.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 09:31:16 am by Felix »

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It's completetly dumb when it comes with shorter weapons then long spear/pike (wich I really don't mind, but it's a support weapon and it should considered only this way) like War Spear/Awlpikes/Ashwood pike etc. Polearms thrust connects faster then any other attack, combined with fast weapon and this silly tactic you can outspam and outreach almost every other weapon, add this to polestagger and you are boss, of course it takes some time to learn this techniques, but it's pretty much gamebreaking. I really don't care about realism, for me it's just retarded.