There are nice muslims too ( the african guy in O.Z
) but the FANATICS are crazy, i don't hate the RACE turks, so it's not racism. It's more patriotism from my part, being an gorilla viking and all, the trademark of blonde swedes are going to disepear. Today on the bus i heard 3 languages, i'm just saying, that's not the way it's supposed to be. People doesen't have to be muslim for me to dislike them, i pretty much hate all immigrants. Got nothing to do with races, but the fact that our goverment prioritzes the immigrants before the actual swedish population, taking in up to 90 000 immigrants a year they are going to be the majority in 40 years if this continues. Sweden is the most open country to immigration and the economy is going to crash, my bet is that a there will either be a civilwar or a politic party with chocolate chip cookietendencies is going to take control. It's not racism, it's just reality.
Once scandinavia was was converted from norsefaith to christianity by roman monks, i'm just saying it's possible that muslims are trying to convert us from christianty to muslim.
EDIT: i edited this way to much now, i sometimes get engulfed in anger and loose my temper. I'm an emotional man.