Timer needs to stay alright, (noone wants the 10 hr battles) but then capping flags needs to be made an actual viable tactic.
This should be done in 2 steps:
1. Add a respawn timer, and make flags permanently cappable (maybe reduce the number of them?). Say, if a flag is not recapped within a minute it's permanently lost. This would make "pushing" actually doable, while not making random ninja'ing OP. A clearer message when your flag gets taken would go well with this.
2. Reducing the power of ranged.
Seriously? If I would make a strat army right now, the ideal would be 80-90% archers. However this is fixed (better armor, nerf...) I don't care, just make sure it's done. Otherwise you will see no offensive tactics employed anytime soon.
Show me the battle where that worked against Drz/Grey-Ranged and I will applaud you.
The point is that because of the respawn timer, you don't actually need to win the ranged duel. There just needs to be enough people to hold of a rush (which isn't that hard with a full roster).