Author Topic: Alliances  (Read 1067 times)

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Offline Tomas

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« on: December 10, 2011, 11:36:28 am »
Here's a very simple suggestion to force the declaration of alliances using an in game mechanic

Defenders can sign anybody up so long as they are not allied with your attacker.
Alliances take 48 hours to be ratified.
Alliances can be broken instantly for a fee of 10% of your clans total gold (including what is in fiefs) or they can be broken normally for free taking 48 hours.
Alliances cost a daily fee that starts at 1% of your clans total gold per day and gradually decreases to 0.2% per day over time (decrease of 0.1% each week).
You cannot attack an ally at all, but fief ownership may be transferred between allies.
You still have to accept incoming transfers from allies.
EDIT: You are automatically allied to all your ally's allies and have to pay the appropriate fees

This would force allies working together, in order to attack other people, to declare themselves but won't hinder any clans ability to defend itself.  Small clans will need allies to attack a neutral village, but after that they can dispand their official alliance but still work with others if attacked.

The fees are deliberately quite small (except the alliance breaking fee) so that alliances are not a noticeable drain on your resources, unless you have lots of them.  They decrease over time to reward loyalty and also discourage the constant creation and disbanding of alliances.  The alliance breaking fee is just to discourage back stabbing, however back stabbing is still possible if you stump up the cash.  All the cash just disappears from the game and is taken from all members and fiefs (same % from all)

Finally, this would pave the way for limiting the power of large alliances in the future, without them just being able to split up into smaller clans.  I don't want to discuss that here though.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 11:54:28 am by Tomas »

Offline Thovex

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Re: Alliances
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2011, 02:06:58 pm »
Or you can just ally people without game mechanics.
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Re: Alliances
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2011, 03:46:12 pm »
Or you can just ally people without game mechanics.
Yep, this is a multiplayer game with real people in charge of factions, it doesn't need some sort of alliance system that single player games have. If someone proves to be a good and trustworthy ally, there are benefits even if they don't have in game mechanics relating to them. And the opposite is true for people who constantly betray allies or prove to be worthless ect.

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Re: Alliances
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2011, 11:18:33 pm »
to Throvex and BADPLAYER with <3 :
That would force to use ingame alliances.

Ofc, that would also suck for every clan that can't gather 60 players to be online any time of the day :D
To be a raider, you'd either be a HUGE raider clan. Or you'd actually need to be an ally with some big clan to get your roster full. And who would support random bandits? And pay for it too?
The defender can get his roster full easily, so attacking and then ending up with only half roster against their full... that's derp  :|

Offline Tomas

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Re: Alliances
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2011, 03:07:10 am »
Ofc, that would also suck for every clan that can't gather 60 players to be online any time of the day :D
To be a raider, you'd either be a HUGE raider clan. Or you'd actually need to be an ally with some big clan to get your roster full. And who would support random bandits? And pay for it too?
The defender can get his roster full easily, so attacking and then ending up with only half roster against their full... that's derp  :|

That's pretty easy tbh - let people set their clan or individual character up as a "raider"

As a raiding clan, or individual raider, you get the right to apply to all raider rosters.  You cannot however apply for any non-raiding clan's battles and cannot ever own a fief.  You can apply for neutral fief defences though.  IF raiding hideouts are added then only raiders should have access to them, or they could be allowed to set them up for a fee so that they own these instaed of fiefs.

This gives raiders and raiding clans a larger pool of potential roster applicants without forcing them to form any alliances.  Cooldown periods for becoming and stopping being a raider can then prevent abuse of this system.

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Re: Alliances
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2011, 02:25:10 pm »
Tomas stop trying to break up Carebear alliances, its getting to be pathetic :p

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Re: Alliances
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2011, 03:05:12 pm »
clans would just make 1 member neutral and give all gold to them before they had to pay the fee