I don't know the details, but keshs reasoning is correct. The question is: why did the attackers take so long?
Also, attackers running out of time is a defeat, not a draw. The objective of the defender is to defend until time runs out or defenders retreat or no attacker is left.
the attackers didn't take "THAT" long we formed up a first time at the mill , and were instantly skirmishing on left and right flanks, but kept some troopers behind so the healing tent could be built. After the healing tent was built 10min, we were constantly charging. We kept an even eye with the defenders on K/d ratio. So explain me how that would have been stalling, we didn't have that many archers nore shielders mostly 2h/pole arm dudes.
Even if you argue that it would be a loss because time ran out. Giving 95% of the remains to the enemy ... including tickets, come on really?
Then again if you want to have it that way, to prevent the possible archer stallement battles, then the retreat option needs to be extended, not only because of this here, but just to be able to retreat if reallife comes into the way of the party leader so that others in the responsible positions leading actualy the battle are able to make that retreat command.