Light gear
Aketon, blue gambeson, red gambeson, ragged outfit
Arming cap, leather cap, mail coif, footmans helmet, segmented helmet, helmet with neckguard, flat topped helmet, kettle hat, kettle helmet, bascinet, guard helmet, open sallet,
Leather gloves, mail mittens
Leather boots, mail chausses, splinted greaves, splinted greaves with spurs
Medium gear
Heraldic mails, cour bouilli over mail, brigandine
Bascinet, guard helmet, open sallet, faceplate, klappvisier, pigface klappvisier, all the great helmets,
All gauntlets except the scaled one and the lamellar one.
Same boots as light.
Heavy gear
Coats of plate, transitional,
Same helmets as above + sugarloaf and hounskull
Same gauntlets as above
Same boots as above + cased greaves
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