Currently listening to The Gulag Archipelago
Other interesting things ive listened to relatively recently:
The Violinist's Thumb. Book about genetics and DNA, very entertaining and educational. Highly recommended.
Disappearing Spoon - Periodic table. Surprisingly interesting, tells the story behind the discoveries of the elements.
The Death of Expertise. Solid book about the increasing doubt in experts, and students thinking they are smarter than teachers etc
Outliers, The Story of Success. Very good book about general success stories, the backgrounds of those people. Really shows how the stars line up for some that become really successful, like Bill Gates.
Oh and i listened to the recent release of the Stormlight Archives, Oathbringer. It was aight, Brandon Sanderson is a good author but the thing that holds his books back is that there is always the threat of the end of the WORLD!!! It loses its flavour. Mistborns spinoff series Wax and Wayne (The alloy of law) is probably my favourite piece because its much more casual with a villain of the week deal. Unfortunately even it leads into the same issue with the sequels.