Author Topic: All these players leaving...  (Read 4219 times)

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Re: All these players leaving...
« Reply #30 on: December 10, 2011, 03:54:59 pm »
What....the....fuck? Muscle memory is exactly what skill is in this type of game. Is a professional football player skilled at what he does? I assume you would say yes to that, thats 80% muscle memory, 10% talent, 10% knowing what to do.

A skilled swordfighter, his skill consists pretty much completely out of muscle memory.
Your definition of skill sucks balls. No one is skilled according to it.

You'd better stick to this definition: 'Proficiency, facility, or dexterity that is acquired or developed through training or experience.'

According to this definition, this is a skill game. Say you join this game as a complete noob. Someone tells you what the perfect 2h build is, gives you looms for the right armour and right twohander. Would you do good? No, cause you have no experience, you have no muscle memory as far as blocking and attacking goes, you have no knowledge of battle mechanics and maps, you have no idea how other classes work and have no idea of their strength and weaknesses.

Would you be able to get a kill? Probably, does that make this less of a skill game? No, it doesn't. It just shows that even the perfect player can still die and the worst player can still kill. Which is necesarry to keep this fun for all.

The lack of individiuality is also not as bad as you say. There are tons of armour combinations to choose from, tons of effective builds. There are tons of less effective builds, that players choose because they want to be original or because they see them as fun. You are an extreme form of one of these players. Your problem is not that the game mechanics lack individuality. Its your extreme desire for complete uniqueness that is your problem. No game offers that while still making you able to compete with the rest.
No game offers that, cRPG does a pretty good job.

I think Ratigan was just saying that skill doesn't matter much when you don't have fun playing. Also, skill is more than muscle memory. Muscle memory is a big part of it, but someone isn't going to be skilled only with that. It takes creativity and clever thinking to show real, amazing and fun prowess on the battlefield. A game isn't all about comparing how you react, push buttons or move your mouse faster than someone else (like so-called real-time "strategy" games). Uniqueness of characters is part of what makes the game fun for those that do not value skill as the One and Only True Thing. There's also achieving, exploring, interacting socially with other players, trolling people (in a bad or good way), doing teamwork...

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Re: All these players leaving...
« Reply #31 on: December 10, 2011, 04:55:36 pm »
What is all that muscle-memory shit, do you guys fucking flail your arms around to block?

I would barely move my hand or wrist to attack or block, the game was just so fucking incredibly slow-paced that I could easily see attacks coming and have the time to think about what I was going to do next between attacks, that's how fucking slow paced that shit was.

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Re: All these players leaving...
« Reply #32 on: December 10, 2011, 05:23:22 pm »
So you were the best player ever? Cause even the best players miss blocks sometimes, and fall for feints.

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Re: All these players leaving...
« Reply #33 on: December 10, 2011, 05:23:49 pm »
So you were the best player ever? Cause even the best players miss blocks sometimes, and fall for feints.

Yup, best player ever, remember it.

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Re: All these players leaving...
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2011, 05:36:04 pm »
Yup, best player ever, remember it.
NA? What was your ingame name? How can you grow bored of this game if your the best, nothing better than hearing the fanboys cry your name after you defeat a 10 man gank squad.

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Re: All these players leaving...
« Reply #35 on: December 10, 2011, 05:45:48 pm »
NA? What was your ingame name? How can you grow bored of this game if your the best, nothing better than hearing the fanboys cry your name after you defeat a 10 man gank squad.

I don't know for you, but my definition of fun isn't fanboys crying my name, it's not being utterly bored by the current extremely slow pace of the game and abuse of broken game mechancis making the game that much more fucking boring, cRPG gave me ADD, my attention span for the game in the past few months before I stopped playing was 10 seconds and I could only last a round or two before quitting.

As for ingame names, I went under a shitton of different ingame names.

Patricia being one of them, but that was long ago when the game was good, you probably won't recognize the names since I spent 90% of my time on duel and on battle I would quit after 2 rounds, specially not if you're EU since I'm NA.

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Re: All these players leaving...
« Reply #36 on: December 10, 2011, 06:03:49 pm »
So you were the best player ever? Cause even the best players miss blocks sometimes, and fall for feints.

No one falls for feints anymore. Feints are near useless.

And best players don't miss blocks on purpose, they might end up in bad position where they can't block but when they are facing you they usually block even the most complex and fastests feints. Game i so slow that feinting doesn't make sense anymore.

Against good blockers you should try: hilt-slash, kick-slash and what I use most of the time against annoying blockers, chambered overhead when your opponent fucks up thrust.

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Re: All these players leaving...
« Reply #37 on: December 10, 2011, 06:05:09 pm »
No one falls for feints anymore. Feints are near useless.

And best players don't miss blocks on purpose, they might end up in bad position where they can't block but when they are facing you they usually block even the most complex and fastests feints. Game i so slow that feinting doesn't make sense anymore.

Against good blockers you should try: hilt-slash, kick-slash and what I use most of the time against annoying blockers, chambered overhead when your opponent fucks up thrust.
Leshma, I bet I can get you with a few feints, feints definitely haven't lost all fuctionality. If you think they have, you're doing it wrong.

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Re: All these players leaving...
« Reply #38 on: December 10, 2011, 06:27:17 pm »
Leshma, I bet I can get you with a few feints, feints definitely haven't lost all fuctionality. If you think they have, you're doing it wrong.

Feints are still somewhat useful, they've lost alot of usefulness though, I remember back when only a few people knew how to block and that fights I fought were 5 seconds because I could block.

Nowadays, everyone is a master duelist that can block everything because the game is so slow and boring, feints are near useless and even chambers are easily executed and blocked nowadays.

The only decent way at killing good players in a decent amount of time (cRPG gave me ADD, like I said from my previous post so decent amount of time is 10 seconds or so for me) is to abuse broken game mechanics, something I refused to do.

Offline Templar_Ratigan

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Re: All these players leaving...
« Reply #39 on: December 10, 2011, 07:38:31 pm »
What....the....fuck? Muscle memory is exactly what skill is in this type of game. Is a professional football player skilled at what he does? I assume you would say yes to that, thats 80% muscle memory, 10% talent, 10% knowing what to do.

A skilled swordfighter, his skill consists pretty much completely out of muscle memory.
Your definition of skill sucks balls. No one is skilled according to it.

You'd better stick to this definition: 'Proficiency, facility, or dexterity that is acquired or developed through training or experience.'

Hyperbolic and a bit of a strawman, I was talking from within the context of the game. Kafekin had the right of it.

The game isn't much fun any more and the people to blame are exactly the type of people who are obsessed about stats and points, who think ability is in a score and cannot see the bigger picture of a game. The bigger picture being: to have fun.

I agree with your point about my own problems of uniqueness, (although I dont mean to do it on purpose),  but while crpg does cater for it well, it doesnt cater for it as well as it did.

Although I dont think looking different has anything to do with a person's individual perspective, that's the type of mindset that works in World of Warcraft, where everyone ends up the same apart from gear and clothes differences.

The point is I go on the game and all I see is frustration and pride. People complaining right left and centre, (yes I know the irony in me complaining about this in itself), calling for nerfs to anything they dislike or which doesnt allow them to dominate in the way their pride dictates they ought to.

Then there are those wading around and crutching on anything that makes their job that little bit easier, nothing wrong with this really it's an intelligent way to play for a given value of intelligent, but it does produce a terribly arrogant and delusional attitude of superiority which is almost an epidemic in this game.

Also the important thing to remember, I mentioned that this is my own personal definition of skill, it is an opinion not a factual statement and certainly wont be in the dictionary.

I just wish the game was more fun as I genuinely used to enjoy it immensely and while from a cold objective point of view this might be meaningless, I do get tired of seeing games I used to enjoy get turned into sad, pale ghosts of themselves, destroyed by the selfish negativity and arrogant prideful delusion of the people who play.
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Re: All these players leaving...
« Reply #40 on: December 10, 2011, 08:11:53 pm »
I just wish the game was more fun as I genuinely used to enjoy it immensely and while from a cold objective point of view this might be meaningless, I do get tired of seeing games I used to enjoy get turned into sad, pale ghosts of themselves, destroyed by the selfish negativity and arrogant prideful delusion of the people who play.

What about a time travel, one year back ? That's literaly what we need IMO. The few things that were done well (some balancing here and there, slots, new weapons and armors, gamemodes...) during the last year are far outweighted by how the purpose of cRPG evolved negatively, from being a random and probably bizarre medieval mercenary to must... win... round...

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Re: All these players leaving...
« Reply #41 on: December 10, 2011, 08:19:17 pm »
What is all that muscle-memory shit, do you guys fucking flail your arms around to block?

I would barely move my hand or wrist to attack or block, the game was just so fucking incredibly slow-paced that I could easily see attacks coming and have the time to think about what I was going to do next between attacks, that's how fucking slow paced that shit was.

I do swordfights irl, this bit made me laugh cos I constantly kick my lower desk shelf when I stab. Muscle memory cant be helped.
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Re: All these players leaving...
« Reply #42 on: December 10, 2011, 08:58:03 pm »
What is all that muscle-memory shit, do you guys fucking flail your arms around to block?

I would barely move my hand or wrist to attack or block, the game was just so fucking incredibly slow-paced that I could easily see attacks coming and have the time to think about what I was going to do next between attacks, that's how fucking slow paced that shit was.
Moving your hand to the right and rightclicking when someone does a left attack slowly gets into your system, enabling you to do it without thinking at all, to the point that it becomes a reflex. That is muscle memory.

Moving your hand a little to the right requires muscles. It´s muscle memory on a small scale.

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True, when I think back of crpg in 2010, it was more fun. I don´t think that was because of the different system back then. I feel like the atmosphere was much better back then. Everyone seemed friendlier, less competetive, and more focused on having fun. Might be nostalgia glasses, but the whole community seemed more friendly.

Still, when your on ts with clanmates, this game is still a whole lot of fun, for me atleast. But yeah I enjoy a good bit of competetivity and enjoy winning. I can see why someone who is less like that can´t enjoy the game in its current state.

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Re: All these players leaving...
« Reply #43 on: December 10, 2011, 10:14:54 pm »
Back in 2010 I was a hybrid everything. I could pick any type of weapon an wield it uselessly. But it was fun. XP was location based though so archers had a tough time of it.
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Offline Templar_Ratigan

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Re: All these players leaving...
« Reply #44 on: December 11, 2011, 12:17:17 am »
Moving your hand to the right and rightclicking when someone does a left attack slowly gets into your system, enabling you to do it without thinking at all, to the point that it becomes a reflex. That is muscle memory.

Moving your hand a little to the right requires muscles. It´s muscle memory on a small scale.

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True, when I think back of crpg in 2010, it was more fun. I don´t think that was because of the different system back then. I feel like the atmosphere was much better back then. Everyone seemed friendlier, less competetive, and more focused on having fun. Might be nostalgia glasses, but the whole community seemed more friendly.

Still, when your on ts with clanmates, this game is still a whole lot of fun, for me atleast. But yeah I enjoy a good bit of competetivity and enjoy winning. I can see why someone who is less like that can´t enjoy the game in its current state.

I think you're right and this is a problem ive had for a while. I suppose im really just being naive and asking people to think about things differently than they currently are.

I dont dislike having a nice fat score and some wins, I dont think anyone could lie about that, but I can also put it aside at a moments notice and focus on the team and at the core of that...the game itself.

But quite rightly this is really my own personal issue more than anything else.
He reached for his pants and grabbed the cheese, missing the bees whose honey he needs.