Did you fully read all the links? I've never played Eve but i'm pretty sure there is in-game currency worth real money.
Only of value to EVE players, and since you must spend your life there to be there at all: Only of value to EVE players parents, since its them who fund that cash cow. EVE milks you for playing most when your new...what game DOES that. How anyone enjoys a game were you simulate being at work...
Dick move: charge at archers with a shield, stab them so they pull out a melee weapon, then jump back and start throwing shit at them, make THEM fucking dodge for their lives. Then just swap back to sword and stab them some more. Repeat. If the target dies, find another Legolas and repeat the process.
Another dick move: Flank enemy zergforce of plate wearing goons, whistle and throw javelins till they all see you, jog off in light armour saying "Cya" in chat. Occasionally slow down and throw some more shit, stab one or 2 and maybe a kick, then jog off again, while saying things like "Cardio guys, CARDIO!" in chat.
Yet another dick move: Find a clone of DaveUKR reloading their arbalest round a corner, charge round corner and stab/kick. When they pull out mace, run away, they almost all immediatly go back round corner and start reloading again. Repeat process untill the guy gets the rage, and chases you nonstop: At this point just jog off cause they wont catch you with heavy armour on. Stop to say things like "Comeon!" and "Run you fatty run". Ultimately end it by hiding round a corner and backstabbing them as they run past, since they KNOW you are gonna keep running. For best results say "You ran to far man, have a nap" after killing them.
Ultimate dick move: Camp in rocks or trees when faced by cav, in a spot they must dismount to kill you without being a supereasy target. Once one takes the bait, steal his horse and ride around him throwing stuff from horseback. If you have nothing to throw, just thank him for the horse in chat and ride off, leaving him there. For ultimate results ride off for a minute, then use his horse to bump him to death when he isnt looking. Gets an Irony bonus too.
tl:dr = Abuse players for being so narrow minded in their gear choices and playstyles.