Right I've decided it's about time I leave this game behind and start venturing forth into this mystical thing called the real world, a scary journey indeed but one that must be made. Playing this game has helped me ignore some serious RL crap and provided a lot of good times, as well as outrageously rage-worthy ones. To help me reinforce my decision I have decided to give away all of my looms to members of the community. As such, anyone who is interested in one of the looms I am about to list needs only ask and I will give it to them, first come, first served. However I'll only be giving them to players I think are good/friendly/beneficial members of this games community.
Lordly Light Kuyak
Lordly Polished Gauntlets
Masterwork Knightly Arming Sword
Masterpiece Huscarl's Round Shield
Thick Barbutte
Heavy Warhammer
Post if there's something you would like, forgive me if I don't respond fast as I may want to assess who to give things to. Thanks for the good games all