Biggest bullshit patch ever. Instead of looking at a stick with magical powers to paralyse people the debs look at 2 hander stabs, something that I think is ok. Furthermore, they add another advantage to polearmers. I think the devs got butthurt due to skillfull 2 handers. The weapons aint the problem, it's just skillfull ppl who use them. The imbalance in this game Is ridiculous and I expect to see a lot more polearms and hardly Any two handers left. I for one will be changing back to poles. But good fucking job devs in "balancing" gameplay. I love you soooooo much for creating this awesome mod but the changes were just unnecessary. They should have looked at archers and the supernatural pole stuns. This was stupid and I want my poleaxe back that I just fucking sold. Maybe you guys should tell us what is coming up in next patches coz I am soo pissed off and would never have sold my poleaxe.*rage rage* *cry cry*