Author Topic: Still the bullying.  (Read 2212 times)

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Still the bullying.
« on: February 14, 2011, 04:04:52 pm »
Bullying on small population servers has been rampant since this mod got popular, and I have posted and complained about it so much, nothing gets done, but here is some more:

Ok, so join siege server 5, 13 people, play for a while, get 5/1 ratio, so far so good:

Druzina_Posobillo teamkills me, for fun. Must have been, since I was stood defending flag, no enemies nearby, he is stood near the flag also. I banpoll. Fails on 50%. I leave that and go on. SOMEONE ELSE who saw the teamkill tries to banpoll Posobillo too. No chance, too many mates in server. So that fails on 50% too. So life goes on.

Sandra teamhits me for 99%, I dont retaliate, just ask her not to do it again, she starts massive flame campaign, everyone else starts to talk shit, only thing I say is: I didnt teamkill anyone, stop being stupid.

Player Sandra then starts saying in text that she did not hit me, I was hurt when she swapped weapons.....I dont know how u can hurt someone when u change weapons....but w/e, I said, ok, lie, I dont care.

Third player, named Verney, on other team, starts flaming me in text, I dont even reply, dont know what his problem is, he then gets killed on flag, rages, puts up ban poll on me.....

So, so far, I have played crpg, been teamkilled by a bored DRZ, team attacked by a noob, and the whole time I didnt insult or team attack anyone. Poll goes thru, Im banned for...... I dont know, what am I banned for?

But OBVIOUSLY, the problem there was ME, standing where it was so inviting to teamkill me I guess. Or maybe I deserved a ban for not allowing enemy team to win.....who knows...

Looking thru the screenshots I can see why, its cause "Im gay", acording to Posobillo......

They are not great screenies, but honetly, this ban was voted thru because I owned enemy team maybe, or I dont know....I didnt grief or attack any teammates, I didnt insult anyone, I just got teamkilled, insulted, team attacked, then banned:

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Yeah I have folder Titled "Guy".....had to call it something......

Ideally, I should just apply for admin, and stop the random small server bullying which I have been trying to end for almost a year now.... But then population WOULD die out, since most of the eastern players would be gone....they all play too early for admin to be up, and REALLY do just bully anyone who wont let them run roughshod over whatever server they pick, This same thing happend with Fury Blades a few months ago.....teamkilling and banning anyone who tried to kill them on small servers.....

Related note, last night fallen member starts trying to tk me, I block his attacks untill he gets bored, he jumps on teamspeak and tells Everkistus to ban me or something, next thing I know Im being warned by Ever to stop, says next hit gets me banned: Told him to fuck off, I dont attack teammates, I dont start teamkill streaks, I dont flame or grief, BUT, im not gonna get bullied by 12yr olds who try to throw their online weight around, Im not gonna hold my tongue when someone else spouts bullshit, and that seems to run me into a LOT on aggresion. Maybe people need less double standards.

Again, I suffer for trying to right an injustice. Nerf bows some more but dont address the main downfall to this mod, the playerbase....
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 04:07:21 pm by Grey »
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Re: Still the bullying.
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2011, 04:18:34 pm »
Damn Elitists. Picking on everyone.  :?
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Re: Still the bullying.
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2011, 04:27:29 pm »
So, how come they all pick on you all of a sudden?  :|

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Re: Still the bullying.
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2011, 04:27:53 pm »
First off, I'll only reply to things that I'm certain of, so the thing with DRZ teamkilling and whatever, I have no idea.

I'll start off by mentioning that Sandra was right next to me IRL, so I know what she did. From what she told me I understand that she did not even hit you to begin with. She was changing weapons and you started to kick her (with your foot, in-game). After which you stalked her acrossed the map and flame all sort of nonesense (so for this, shame on you sir, you lie). She might have accidentaly hit you, but am sure that it wasn't a teamkill as you said. From this everyone started talking and said to kick him. Seeing as most people expired their votes, I pitched in but did with a ban, unfortunately. Ban which, BTW, had nothing to do with ragepolling. So yeah, I'm at fault for chosing ban instead of kick. Sorry for that, and only that.

Also, nice of you to threaten people with "hope you enjoy playing native from now on". :)

My two cents

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Re: Still the bullying.
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2011, 04:37:05 pm »
Grey aka "iNinja" was threatening admins with "YOU WILL HAVE UR ADMIN POWERZ REMOVED I OTOK SCREENSHOT" too. Looks like he's been on a roll, lately.
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Re: Still the bullying.
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2011, 05:14:57 pm »
just to say something about the fallen thingy:
he was whining about everything and everyone for some maps so everybody was making fun of him.
then he shot one of the fallen guys in the back at round start.
the guy turned around and kicked him once which was answered by multiple swings almost killing the fallen guy (which wasn't me).

i was too late to record it but anyhow. coming here making such a post with a single screenshot is kinda weird especially coming from you who basically screams for being ridiculed.

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Re: Still the bullying.
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2011, 05:33:51 pm »
My, my. Just the stuff that comes up in such threads...

It is indeed good of you to bring this to our attention, Grey.

Offline Grey

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Re: Still the bullying.
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2011, 06:08:37 pm »
First off, I'll only reply to things that I'm certain of, so the thing with DRZ teamkilling and whatever, I have no idea.

I'll start off by mentioning that Sandra was right next to me IRL, so I know what she did. From what she told me I understand that she did not even hit you to begin with. She was changing weapons and you started to kick her (with your foot, in-game). After which you stalked her acrossed the map and flame all sort of nonesense (so for this, shame on you sir, you lie). She might have accidentaly hit you, but am sure that it wasn't a teamkill as you said. From this everyone started talking and said to kick him. Seeing as most people expired their votes, I pitched in but did with a ban, unfortunately. Ban which, BTW, had nothing to do with ragepolling. So yeah, I'm at fault for chosing ban instead of kick. Sorry for that, and only that.

Also, nice of you to threaten people with "hope you enjoy playing native from now on". :)

My two cents

Great scott, what are u smoking? I didnt kick Sandra, didnt follow him/her, didnt poll him/her. So I dont know what you smoke.....but lemme have it please, cause its warping your mind really well.... She teamhit me at flag as I walked thru a door..... And its understandable that you defend your friend, but coming up with a whole series of events.....I dunno....thats going a bit far...

And the "Enjoy Native" bit??? WTF is that?? Once I was banned, I was banned.......I dont know how you think I sent you a msg?? Pls tell me, I would really LOVE to know.

just to say something about the fallen thingy:
he was whining about everything and everyone for some maps so everybody was making fun of him.
then he shot one of the fallen guys in the back at round start.
the guy turned around and kicked him once which was answered by multiple swings almost killing the fallen guy (which wasn't me).

i was too late to record it but anyhow. coming here making such a post with a single screenshot is kinda weird especially coming from you who basically screams for being ridiculed.


I read this and wondered wtf you are on about.....still havent figured it out: If that fallen guy was being made fun of, how is it MY fault? I didnt shoot him, he didnt kick me, and I didnt attack him.....theres yet to be someone who I "almost kill...."

How?? and WHEN??

Grey aka "iNinja" was threatening admins with "YOU WILL HAVE UR ADMIN POWERZ REMOVED I OTOK SCREENSHOT" too. Looks like he's been on a roll, lately.

Xant......really? When? Dont confuse me with any of the "the Grey" people, I have never, EVER, said anything about admins loosing their powers, or anything along those lines AT ALL. Sooooo, PLEASE PLEASE:

PLEASE screenshot when I do these things, because, untill now, I have done NONE of the things you are accusing me of....

I almost dont care....almost....but constant accusations get tiring. I will GLADLY leave the mod if I have broken the rules or insulted anyone, so please people, stop flaming me, stop trolling silly shit, get some proof, I dont fuck with people, I just dont take getting fucked with.


My, my. Just the stuff that comes up in such threads...

It is indeed good of you to bring this to our attention, Grey.

PLEASE do read my posts, think for a second: If I was out trolling and griefing, why would I then come here to take more abuse?

almost 100% of my issues with this game and its community could be solved SO SIMPLY:


I dont teamkill, I dont start fights with teammates, I dont grief anyone, block anyone, use construction sites in sieges, ban people who are making my team loose, kick teammates cause someone shot me and I didnt see who, I dont use popular clan flags to abuse the flagbalance, I swap team to help the loosers, I have a char in each class and dont start endless polls about nerfing this or that, I dont grief my teammates so my clanmates on other team can kill them, the list of stupid shit people do andget away with is INSANE, yet I do NONE of it. BUT IM THE BADGUY!!


Grief free, teamkill free, "stupid people who just joined the game being able to ban me for wanting a decent environment" free.
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Re: Still the bullying.
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2011, 06:29:28 pm »
Grey aka "iNinja" was threatening admins with "YOU WILL HAVE UR ADMIN POWERZ REMOVED I OTOK SCREENSHOT" too. Looks like he's been on a roll, lately.
I concur, "iNinja" is a Criminal Scum;,1997.0.html
Also, I'm reporting Posobilo for misconduct.
Edit: No, I'm not, on the second thought.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 06:45:57 pm by Dunecat »
In memory of Jaer_Selorn, member of Str, ruler of Pagundur

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Re: Still the bullying.
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2011, 06:43:27 pm »
so when Jaerl was kick polled by me for teamattacking, then someone else polled for him to be banned after he rejoined......that makes me the bad guy again? Jaerl was trying to teamkill, he failed, he was kicked, rejoined, tried to teamkill AGAIN, was banned.....

Im sorry that he cant fight well enough to teamkill me, so I can screenshot it, but that post just supports ME, no others:

People do stupid shit they think can get away with, I call them on it, and I catch the shit for it........

When Im on a server, its this simple: (EDIT:)Purposeful TEAMKILL, teamattack for fun, grief your team so your clanmates on other team can kill them, be an abusive cockchomper, and I WILL start a poll to have you removed.

I dont ragepoll people who have killed me, I dont start beef with anyone, I spawn, kill as many enemies as I can and try to cap the flag if its siege mode, then I die. In that time I dont yell "Abooz", I dont fuckabout.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 06:47:33 pm by Grey »
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Re: Still the bullying.
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2011, 06:45:06 pm »
so when Jaerl was kick polled by me for teamattacking, then someone else polled for him to be banned after he rejoined......that makes me the bad guy again? Jaerl was trying to teamkill, he failed, he was kicked, rejoined, tried to teamkill AGAIN, was banned.....

Im sorry that he cant fight well enough to teamkill me, so I can screenshot it, but that post just supports ME, no others:

People do stupid shit they think can get away with, I call them on it, and I catch the shit for it........

When Im on a server, its this simple: TEAMKILL, teamattack for fun, grief your team so your clanmates on other team can kill them, be an abusive cockchomper, and I WILL start a poll to have you removed.

I dont ragepoll people who have killed me, I dont start beef with anyone, I spawn, kill as many enemies as I can and try to cap the flag if its siege mode, then I die. In that time I dont yell "Abooz", I dont fuckabout.
So you are iNinja? Well met, my dear.
In memory of Jaer_Selorn, member of Str, ruler of Pagundur

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Re: Still the bullying.
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2011, 08:49:05 pm »
(click to show/hide)

Well, Grey, you have not produced anything to prove the contrary and here we have some 3-4 different, unrelated people accusing you of various things. What am i to conclude here?

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Re: Still the bullying.
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2011, 12:11:50 am »
lol, I have to PROVE my innosence?? More like many people hate the fact that I dom seriously:

As far as ragepolling: Not me

Teamhitting: Not me (You know when I teamhit you, your either A; Dead, or B; you see "[ininja] sry mate" in teamchat right after u got hit

Threatening people: WTF??!! This is the internet, there is no way to threaten someone.....least not that I know of....maybe if I traced someone's IP, shelled out for air tickets, then went to their house.....but that seems pretty far-fetched, even for the imagination-artists in this community.

Here it is, very simply: PROVE that I did something wrong. Remember, I came to post, if you look through my posts here and on taleworlds, you'll see that I bring the accusations, I bring the proof, I get shit dumped on me by some kids e-buddy for naming him as the cunt he is.

I dont start shit, I dont take part in shit, I just point out that shit stinks. Im sorry if people dont like the fact that they are plastic noddies pointed out to them, but why should I take shit on the net from some prepubescent who's mother pays the ISP....I wont, and I dont, so yes, sometimes you will see people rage AT me, sometimes you will see many people angry at me, but ultimately:

I dont do shit wrong, and I dont let others get away with it if I can help it. If theres ONE THING we can learn from movies: Being the good guy gets you shot at. What you see here are the inneficient and random textual rambling snipeing of small minded people who wish to abuse the rules but dont want to be called on it.

Believe what you want, I came here to ONCE AGAIN to cull this community of people who abuse the rules for their own enjoyment/advantage/personal gain. This is a game. I like to play it evenly. People should not be above the rules because they wear a DRZ tag, or a Fallen tag, or because they are friends with the admin who's on.

I want a level playing field, I want to play fair, by the rules, I want reflect team damage turned on so all these stupid bastards who a) are too stupid or b) too selfish not to constantly teambash. Fine that most of them deny it, they probably didnt even notice they did it, the stupid b*tards.

Cavalry have to actively avoid teammates or they get raged at, same with ranged, but in melee its fine if u didnt mean it??

This whole thread has detiorated into pure bullshit, I cant even express my frustration sometimes with this shit:
(click to show/hide)

Well, Grey, you have not produced anything to prove the contrary and here we have some 3-4 different, unrelated people accusing you of various things. What am i to conclude here?

Conclude this if you will: I manage to get through day to day life supporting my family in relative luxury, so I cant be THAT maladjusted: I dont bring anything new to crpg, I act in a reasonable, measured, cooperative way: I help my teammates, I answer nooby questions, I try to be helpful and have fun.

When someone, REGARDLESS of who they are or who they know, breaks the rules and spoils my, and everyone's, fun, I act accordingly: So, last guy has broken all the ladders and is shooting from the roof, no admins, KICKPOLL; someone is teamkilling for fun and no admins, BANPOLL. I dont consider myself THE LAW, or inherantly superior to anyone else, but Im not gonna sit quietly by while someone abuses me OR anyone else.

NOW: as far as accusation against me......I dont know where the fuck people get off. SURE sometimes you WILL see me kill a teammate, but only if they have tried to hit me. I wont let you. You dont get to kill my horse in spawn, you dont get to kick me in spawn, you dont get to kick me because you think a teammate shot you, you dont get to lord it over me just because you are not individual enough to not join a clan....I have nothing against any of the clans and their members btw.

Or is this gonna be like the time the Fury_Blade's got raged cause I joined the server they were on and killed them, when they then banned me: Somehow, THAT was my fault too, but all I did there was what I have done any other time, what is best for the game and its players as a whole.

So PTX, you can judge for yourself. Or, check the logs from the servers on the days in question.

BUT: THE ONE SINGLE THING that would end any stupid claims that I shot someone, or attacked them, or some stupid shit, is just toggle REFLECT TEAM DAMAGE to ON, and set it to 100%. Once everyone's killed themselves on me a few times maybe they will see that a) I DO know wtf I am talking about b) They arent half as good as they thought they were know that they cant just swing like a tard, as they used to....

PLEASE, turn reflect on, and almost 100% of these threads are gone forever....once noone can teamhit anyone, there wont be an issue with teamkilling anymore.

And honestly, if it IS me doing the attacking and teamwounding, then thats ME as a problem gone too, huh?

Or maybe, Im right, and reflect 100% will prove it.....
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Re: Still the bullying.
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2011, 12:16:11 am »
So you are iNinja? Well met, my dear.

Yesyes, of course man, every char you see with a score 5 or 6 times better than yours, THATS ME MATE!! XD
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Re: Still the bullying.
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2011, 12:17:31 am »

You were raging about some admin attacking you intentionally and you taking a screenshot and getting their admin rights revoked as iNinja. So, no, I'm not confusing you with any _Grey's.
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