Been focusing more on my Slicing, and I understand why this profession was already nerfed twice. I'm doing 20 minute missions that bring me 2k, 3k, or even 4k credits now. I just hit level 22 and already have more than enough for my mount + training (I'm over 60k and have nowhere to go but up). Guess I'll start focusing on an actual craft now that I can afford it. Since most crafted items seem lackluster compared to what you can get just while questing, my plan is to go Cybertech. It looks to be very similar to Engineering, which was my favorite WoW profession. It makes a lot of crap, especially for gun users, but is somewhat selfish in what it crafts, like custom mounts that can't be sold.
We finally formed our guild. We couldn't decide on a name, but came up with a simple, obvious one. Look for "Free Companies" on Jung Ma. There have also been reports of ATS members here, but on Republic side. That might produce some extra fun.