Also, Archers have no natural counter except other archers. Most people assume the counter to Archery is Cavalry but that couldn't be further from the truth, I have played cavalry for a long time and trust me when I say that archers beat Light Cavalry 1v1 100% of the time assuming they are of the same skill. The only way Light Cav can beat archers is by stabbing them from behind and if that isn't a 1hit kill (Which alot of the time now it isn't) you just have to run away and hope the archer doesn't shoot your horse taking off a huge amount of it's health (Rounceys can be 2shot, Coursers 3shot, Destriers 3-4 shot, not taking into account speed bonus of course, if you charge right into the archer and he manages to shoot you it will do alot more damage).
My crazy suggestion of the week is that we stack a shit-ton of random plains maps into the server rotation. Then cavalry actually CAN be a counter to ranged, while ranged can be a counter to shieldless infantry, and polearms (and pole-swords, lol) can continue being a counter to cav. Right now, the only counter to ranged is range, since they can shoot from safety with out being in danger until the round is nearly done.
Although I absolutely love random plains, it doesn't help cav against archers at all. Maybe against inf but I think the inf already are the most struggling on open plains. Even if the map is
flawlessly flat, it's very hard to kill archers as cav when there's nothing to hide behind. Cav are ninja, and therefore are paradoxically advantaged by buildings (when the enemy isn't over them ofc.), as long as there isn't a single bump in the ground. When the map isn't flat, the archers just camp on a hill and cav can't do anything (when a horse has to go up or down a 5° slope, he stops just like in real life).
The only counter to archers are shielders. But the main problem with shields is that the so called "forcefield" has been "fixed" long ago and therefore arrows can go through many shields easily. You have to spend at least 6 points in shield to get your real shield coverage. And even with 6, some shields (board and heather mainly) still don't match with the model. However, some other shields (
autoblock bucklers for example) still have a ridiculous force field.
Furthermore, a shield slows you down a lot. So it's either being a turtle or hitting like a sissy. Even if you are a sissy and able to catch archers (except when there are more than one of them, in that case you are shot in the back and dead), you aren't very likely to escape the enemy inf or cav. Shielders are very weak against cav, especially the str shielders that take the shortest route and might not die in the main clash.
So yeah, shielders are the only non-ranged counter to ranged, but they are very weak. Even worse, they do a lot better against infantry than against archers. 1h do the fastest feints and are just sub-par compared to most 2h and polearms.
The main balance problem is that infantry is the easiest prey for literaly any class, including itself.