That bug should have been fixed by now ... how many times have we complained about it ? I leave for 3 months, come back , no change .. I'm very disappointed.
When you throw stuff, if you pick up different kind of throwing weapon, half of the time you lose all the remaining ammo of your other throwing weapons. Same thing happen when you pick up a weapon on the ground and you have 2 stacks of 1 throwing item of the same kind (that bug is very annoying too). When it deletes one stack , it doesn't drop it, it just disapeared, and often the other one was the same time. So I had my jarids bugged with 2 stacks of 1 instead of a stack of 2 jarids, and when I picked up a sword on the ground (that was 2 slots), everything disappeared from my equip and had only the 2 slot sword, no more throwing weapon of any kind that I had before picking that sword up. Picking axes makes me lose my jarids sometimes .. it all started when you changed the stupid arrow thing (where you can't stack different kind, unless you do it once and lose all your arrows...which is dumb). I think there were less bugs many versions ago than now ... stop breaking the game , we like playing it !