Nice new first page Thovex.
As for suggestions...
Stronghold. Strategy (I know you got the first, but try the rest of them!)
Gothic. RPG
Beyond Good and Evil. Action. One of THE BEST games I know. The ending was just epic and totally unexpected. But be warned. They STILL haven't made a sequel to it
No One Lives Forever. Action. (one of the most hillarious games ever, especially the 2nd one
Baldurs Gate. RPG
Neverwinter Nights. RPG
Empire Earth. Strategy.
Half Life. Action.
SWAT 3. VERY tactical Shooter. Not mindless CoD, but ACTUAL swat stuff. Games like this makes me understand how dumbed down CoD and all the other "tactical" (BAH, tactical MAH ASS) games are.
Them Park World. Strategy. BEST. SIM. EVER!