Author Topic: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.  (Read 40186 times)

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #60 on: October 17, 2011, 02:26:45 pm »
Dude you tooks like that: "I killed your dog but i think the someone of your family killed some dog to so it fer"

No. It is not fair, and that is exactly what I am saying. Just make sure you understand what you read.

Because of that silly move you dominated strat last time.
From the very beginning that was common knowledge then its forbidden.
Its a fucking part of the game, fucking part of he fucking strat to take all your members active there.
I am from Poland and i fell shame because of fucking trolls like Grey Order...
that long massive ban story on you clan... and you still trying to save some honor of GO??? Dude that clan lost  Honor long time ago.

But the poit is that we are successful because we have good players. And the only thing I am trying to say is  that finding the goat for sacrifice does not resolve the issue, and I resent this way of thinking.

Are you ashame of GO? Good. Be so. I do not know you and I do not know who you are, but you are welcome to our TS, to find out how the reality looks like.
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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #61 on: October 17, 2011, 02:42:45 pm »
Druzhina supporting Grey Order. How appropriate :rolleyes:

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #62 on: October 17, 2011, 02:48:23 pm »
Druzhina supporting Grey Order. How appropriate :rolleyes:

Naduril now is entire Druzhina, he just said +1 because most of the forum crap is just bs.
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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #63 on: October 17, 2011, 02:52:41 pm »
So... if i understood Erasmas post, we shouldn't blame GO as a whole, since some of them are totally innocent. And while we're at it, we'll even say that 75% were innocent, while 25% were guilty.
Taking into account that the guilties were one hundred, it will be reasonable to say that GO has around 400 members. Wait, whuut ?
Ok, maybe 50% of them were guilty, this narrows their number to 200. Still seems a bit much. But it's obviously between this 50% (200 members, and the 100% : 100 members). We can also probably add some multi-accounts, so let's say 3 per "real" GO member, and we've managed to narrow the GO to 33 active cheaters, and Erasmas (who is obviously innocent, as white as a crow...don't remember the word in english. Not bad hey.

On another note... It's easy saying "we're surely not the only ones who did that", but you're probably the only one who did it at such a large scale. And i'm pretty sure there's some 100% decent and fair clans out there. It's not fair to point a finger to others when you're accused, saying "they did the same thing, in a smaller sense, but the same".

A little comparaison : some GO robs a supermarket, to get drinks, food, and whatever. They're arrested, and ask why they have 5years in jail, when there's little kids stealing a packet of sweets too. They should get 5 years too. It's the same thing !  :lol:

Naduril now is entire Druzhina, he just said +1 because most of the forum crap is just bs.

Guards are now supporting Risen, it's official.
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[19:32] <@chadz> if(dave_ukr_is_in_server) then rain_chance = 98%;

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #64 on: October 17, 2011, 03:02:36 pm »
Lulzy thread is lulzy.
Keep on bannin'
[14:36] <@chadz> when you login there is a message "your life as horse archer was too depressing for you. you decided to commit suicide. please create a new char"
<dexxtaa> I just saw nakey ladies and I left
<@Fasader> dexxtaa is clearly gay

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #65 on: October 17, 2011, 03:37:47 pm »

Sorry for the offtopic, but the post that started this was pretty ridiculous.

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #66 on: October 17, 2011, 03:55:12 pm »
What hapens if my whole muslim family of 29 plays from same IP?
My grandparents love this game; if you ban em they might have a heart attack...

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #67 on: October 17, 2011, 04:17:28 pm »
Okay, let me put it in this way:

GO is a big faction. Many guys involved. Anyone who run such big operation is aware that it very hard to control. Do we have cheaters? We do. Do we have retards? We do. Do we have trolls? We do. Do we have fucked up freaks? We do. Do we try to deal with them internally? Hell, yes we do. Is that easy? No, it is not. Does it work? Sometimes...  Is your clan any better than this? If yes – good for you, I do have my doubts about it though.

Multiaccounting, multiboxing, common theft and stupidity in general is... well, stupid. Not fair. However, there is a difference between intentional infringement of rules and infringement of their "spirit" - the latter is called "an exploit" and is dubious.  Multiaccounting is a hot topic now, so a word about it: it was a perfect tool to control the situation and was used by many, not only GO members. Does anyone wish to play on dozens of accounts? Hell no, we all (ok, most of us) have RL. This issue should be resolved by technical inability to use many accounts or organized way of doing so; otherwise you will never know if you are the only one that is not exploiting the system. Eventually the warning was issued and duly received; we ceased to do it some time ago. Better for us, in fact, it brings more organization within organization, and that works well. Mind you, however, that the issue itself still exists.

chadz got pissed off and spilled the news on who is to blame - fine, it is his prerogative to warn people off doing stuff that is or may be detrimental to the game as a whole, and we do take it as such. He did it on the totally innocent occasion? Shame, but fine again, for the same reason. He did that on whole GO’s expense, which is quite unjust for vast majority of GO guys?  Painful, but again - it is fine for the same reason.

Does everyone in your clan play totally fair? Is it only GO guys that play unfair sometimes? No? So, please fuck off an mind your own business. And report the abuse, cheats and exploits. Spitting on us will not make you more saint than you are already. Are you saint?

1. Manage your clan more efficiently.
2. Ban/warn and apologize for the actions of your exploiter(s).
3. ???
4. Profit

Come on, theres really no excuse guys!
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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #68 on: October 17, 2011, 04:26:18 pm »
Does everyone in your clan play totally fair?   

Yes. Even that semi-retarded Greek cunt plays fair, he's not a very bright & pleasant chap to have around but at least he doesn't cheat.  :wink:

Is it only GO guys that play unfair sometimes?

No....and none claimed that.

Are you saint?

Well, lets see....i never smoked cigarettes, i never did any drugs in my life.....recently i quit drinking and tons of unhealthy's been ages since the last time i had sex.....i don't have a criminal record as i never even stole anything let alone did some more terrible things (unless ofc stealing candies in a store when i was a kid but that doesn't count).....i generally don't tell lies (except by mistake) and i never, ever cheated in any of the computer games i played (and i played quite a lot back in my day..well, maybe i did cheat a bit with Football Managers and their editors but pretty much everyone does it so i recon its ok) yeah, if i could get rid of my heavy cursing & swearing (which is a bad thing to do and i sure do it too often & too hard) then i might even be considered a saint. Any more questions ?  :wink:
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #69 on: October 17, 2011, 04:29:54 pm »
Just to make it clear - If any of you thinks that someone in GO run 100 game keys, then stand corrected - it is simply not true. Logging on another guys accounts - well - over many months the number could grew large, actually I was surprised by the fact that is was so much; this is just because we have a great number of members. So do not expand your own imagination excessively, because the sick excitement can harm you. You can talk as much foolish things as you can - if this is what you need to show how strong you are. For a quite some time we do not use multiaccounting and somehow it did not hurt us.
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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #70 on: October 17, 2011, 05:01:36 pm »
Okay, let me put it in this way:

GO is a big faction. Many guys involved. Anyone who run such big operation is aware that it very hard to control. Do we have cheaters? We do. Do we have retards? We do. Do we have trolls? We do. Do we have fucked up freaks? We do. Do we try to deal with them internally? Hell, yes we do. Is that easy? No, it is not. Does it work? Sometimes...  Is your clan any better than this? If yes – good for you, I do have my doubts about it.

The Fallen Brigade is an extremely large clan. I know all about running large operations... Yet we apparently do a hell of a better job then your clan. The Fallen get shit talk in game or on the forumsabout our scumbag tactics, the Grey Order get shit talk in game and on the forums about a crapload of cheating and scumbag members... See the difference?

Knowing your members personally and being picky on the type of person you let in goes a long way for us to make sure that our roster if full of "nice guys" and not cheating jackasses. I fail to see how this is apparently so difficult for the GO to manage the clan. It is one thing to have a bad apple in the clan, and large clans may have several that "slipped through the cracks" but the GO apparently has whole bushels of bad apples which makes me question the quality of the character of your leadership in that clan, as well as the type of people you welcome in.

The Grey Order makes the news on cRPG literally every month sometimes multiple times a month for exploitation, cheating and deliberately toeing the line. You earned every bit of the reputation you have now.

So in the famous words of one of your members...
Deal with it.
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #71 on: October 17, 2011, 05:08:23 pm »
Yeah, we know - you are the awesome guys and we are the bad guys. Sorry.
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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #72 on: October 17, 2011, 05:10:03 pm »
Yeah, we know - you are the awesome guys and we are the bad guys. Sorry.

Damn straight, now give me your looms and I shall pardon your sins.
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
The terror of my reign will live on in infamy, singing when they die like a dead man's symphony.

Offline Erasmas

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #73 on: October 17, 2011, 05:14:54 pm »
Damn straight, now give me your looms and I shall pardon your sins.

I will disappoint you - I have no looms, traded them all. And, to tell you the truth, YOUR forgiveness of any sins anyone could commit does not count for shit.
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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #74 on: October 17, 2011, 05:22:12 pm »
I will disappoint you - I have no looms, traded them all. And, to tell you the truth, YOUR forgiveness of any sins anyone could commit does not count for shit.

Um, pretty sure that this
you are the awesome guys and we are the bad guys.
means I'm a pretty fucking amazing person, and my words are worth more then some countries. When a crippled child is born in my village, my words mean so much that not only does the child become healthy, but even blind men in the next village over can see again.

Clearly you are such a sinner that you can not see my brilliance and humble importance in life, but I shall have my people pray for you and your wretched sins nontheless.

Go now, my lost child, and find your redemption before it is too late, for not even I can remove the sins of one who slips into the abyss.
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
The terror of my reign will live on in infamy, singing when they die like a dead man's symphony.