thats why you fake attacking one person, block the longspear, then charge the pikeman. They'll shit their pants and forget how to block, i've cleaved through groups of people because i was batshit insane in my attack pattern, never be predictable and you'll do alot better than following the same routine over and over again.
I just gotta work on being patient and not charging blindly into a melee -_-
I don't know what sort of pikemen you're fighting but if they "shit their pants and forget how to block" they probably don't know how to block in the first place, any pikemen that knows how to block will probably not give a fuck about you running to them and will just block you until you get slashed in the back by someone else you were already fighting against.
overhead is your friend.
also, learn how to chamber stabs and you'll be laughing at these pikemen all day.
also, i find that if the pikeman is a good player, i just run the other way and wait for valour :/
Chambering stabs from pikes/longspears is easier said than done when you have bunch of other guys slashing at you.
For exemple, probably a hour ago, I got stuck between Jar and Dexx repeatedly poking me with their long spear one after another.
What happened was like a 20 hit long polestun because I can take a lot of hit, so I just waited for a good 20 hit to die because I couldn't move, attack or block.
Also, I'm not sure why you're trying to "teach" people how to do better when you're yourself not all that good, I remember fighting you on duel alot like a week or two probably and all you were doing was holding your overhead to cause blockstun and then try to spam (which failed miserably I might add since you were doing it almost every single hits)