Sorry is this from the guy who routinely calls anyone he doesn't like or agree with child molesters, racists and worse?
I'm pretty sure some old posts on forum describe how
phantomzero zealot/classical dregged up once some real life stuff about smoothrich actually being a sex offender. I think its the seeing the needle in your neighbor's eye while ignoring the giant spike in your own eye syndrome. No idea if true or not but i remember reading something like that in an old forum post when smoothrich was self-destructing last strategus too and basically destroying his clan in the process (man history has a tendency to repeat itself.)
Yeah i tease about taking his medication because of how obsessed and crazy he gets with strategus to the point of equating me and others to child mass murderers days after a guy mass-murdered children. but i don't know the guy at all, he just comes off as a little unhinged when i talk to him.