This weapon DEFINITELY needs to be rebalanced.
I'm 3rd gen 1/h shield. I've used lots of different weapons. Once I got my hand on a loomed Steel Pick, my K:D ration
exploded. It's fun as hell...but not fair. LOL.
Yes, the requirement should be raised.
Not only that, but the speed should be decreased, the damaged reduced, or both.
In my opinion, it should be a 97 speed weapon. That, along with the increased requirement (15 sounds ok, same as warhammer), would balance it perfectly. It would still be the most powerful 1h weapon, but it would no longer be the most powerful AND one of the fastest 1h weapons.
Req: 15
Length: 64
Speed: 97
Damage: 32 pierce
This is balanced for me. Some people like reality a war pick was simply the reverse side of a war hammer...then it should have the same stats as the war hammer. Picks were heavy, slow, often got caught on armor, and rarely caused wounds that were immediately fatal. However, they were great at piercing armor.